FSU lowest chances

<p>whats the lowest GPA and test scores you've heard being accepted by FIU?</p>

<p>You mean FSU? It might help if you explain your scores, your GPA, your EC’s, and a little abpout yourself (instate or OOS, job history, etc). If you are a star quarterback, you might be able to get in with a 450/450/450!!! But in reality, if your scores are 500-550 in each section you would have to have stellar grades, a schedule that included lots of AP’s, dual enrollment classes etc. great essays, and/or be from an economically stressed environment or first in family to attend college.</p>

<p>yea sorry FSU</p>

<p>um 490/480/480
3 distinctions in Advanced level courses and 1 credit
GPA 3.25</p>

<p>i don’t know anyone who got in that didin’t have an 1140/1600 and up and around a 3.6 GPA…and that would be low.</p>

<p>also i was told that you have to hit a minimum score of 500 on each of the 3 sections. that is a requirement, but like sunnyflorida said, maybe if you are an athlete or some special circumstance it would be different.</p>

<p>I got in with a 1060 on the SAT</p>

<p>350Z what was you GPA?</p>