<p>The 2007 rating fell one point from 109 to 110. FSU is still in the second USNews Tier. The closest state school is USF in Tier 3. UCF dropped into Tier 4 this rating year. UF and UM are in Tier 1.</p>
<p>Be that as it may, suffice to say those of us who are Florida State alumni are bringing this to the attention of FSU's administration. If I find out any details about how this is being addressed I'll post them. The latest (unofficial) admissions stats are part of a release of information to alumni due to the questions we're posing to the administration.</p>
<p>It's important to note that such ratings are generally the result of decisions made some time ago, even years ago. We'll see how it plays out over time. It makes the most sense to measure these changes over a span of time.</p>
<p>Thats because FSU is ranked far lower than it actually should be. It is by far leaps and bounds ahead of UCF, USF, etc...</p>
<p>One huge issue that is the elephant in the living room is the difference between the UF and FSU Engineering programs. FSU's UG stats will never catch UF with the FSU Engineering program as currently configured.</p>
<p>Expect this issue to be addressed in the proper manner over time.</p>
<p>Also remember that FSU is not intended to be a clone of UF, nor the reverse. UF will always probably be supported in this area better than FSU, and that's fine. FSU has it's specialty areas that UF does not have. This is by design.</p>
<p>The difference in USNews rank is too great, though. Kudos to UF's adminstration (probably starting 15 years or more ago) in having the vision to plan for this. For whatever reason, FSU's administration was late to the party, but I assure you as an FSU alumnus we are taking this issue to the FSU administration (even though the weak decisions were made years ago). The administration assures us they are all over it and things will improve.</p>
<p>The 'bad' news for kids is that many will not be admitted unless they work hard and prepare far in advance.</p>
<p>A bit more along these lines - </p>
<p>FSU is already cautioning us alumni that our kids may not be admitted due to this rising level of standards, if they don't have the proper grades and scores. The fact they are 'legacy' kids is not enough to gain admission. </p>
<p>I remember when UF's alumni were similarly warned; and the groans of parents when their kids had to look at other schools.</p>