Reposting b/c I’m still undecided after much deliberation. Thank you to all who responded to the first post; your comments were very helpful. I’ve included the names of the schools in this one, in the hopes that I’ll get more feedback that will elucidate my situation.
I’ve narrowed down my choices to the University of Hawaii at Manoa and Santa Clara University. I have a full tuition scholarship to attend UHM, and my financial aid package also includes several thousand dollars in stipends and grants every year. On the other hand, SCU has been one of my top choices for over a year, but it would cost over $50K per year even including financial aid. In total, it will cost $200k to attend SCU. I’ve been admitted into business programs at both schools (UH’s Shidler vs. SCU’s Leavey).
The clear advantage to staying home would be graduating debt free, possibly with extra money in my pocket. Additionally, I’d likely be able to study abroad if I stay at UH. At SCU, it’s highly unlikely that I could afford to study abroad. If I go to UH, my parents would be able to help me with grad school later. If I go to SCU, I’d likely be on my own for grad school.
SCU has been one of my top priority schools for a while. I love its location in Silicon Valley (great place for getting internships), size (small enough to meet people, big enough to feel like a college), and academics (good business program, which is my major). I feel that it could give me the “college experience” and a leg up when it comes to finding a job.
In comparing the return on investment for each school, is Santa Clara worth $200k more than UH Manoa?
I’d appreciate input from current college students/recent college grads, although any advice is welcome. Thanks for your time.
The names of the school are immaterial. The logic will be the same.
Are you just going to fish until you get the justification you want to hear?
@GMTplus7 I’m not looking for justification. I’m looking for a variety of responses and experiences. If you refer to my previous post, you will see that a number of people were interested in knowing the school names.
My Daughter had the same kind of decision to make (Instate with full tuition scholarship or expensive school out of state.
In the end the money was just too much of a factor. 200K is a huge amount. Maybe you can get a summer internship in Silicon Valley.
People who were asking the names (not counting the ones who are just curious) were wondering how big the difference is between the schools- ie, is one objectively so much better than the other that it might be worth it? the answer is rarely yes, but sometimes it is. Here, the answer is no: there are a lot of ways for you to make your UH experience not just as good, but possibly better than SC. Go to UH and be creative and ambitious about using all of the opportunities available to you. And btw, you may be able to do more than one study abroad- I knew a student who did study abroad in Spain, Argentina and Washington, DC- all included in her standard tuition/scholarship package. She is graduating in June, fully fluent in Spanish, with a pre-law major and is juggling job offers in both law and business. But - she looked for opportunities and made them work. You can do the same 
You’re interested in majoring in business, so here’s your first major business decision: spend $200k of your parents’ money for a degree or get one of comparable value for $0. If you had to put one on a resume, which do you think prospective employers would rather see? Go to UHM and save the money.
UHM, no debt and greater opportunities as a result of not having financial pressure.
Unless your parents are very wealthy to the extent that the $50,000 annual expense means nothing to either them or yourself I don’t understand the point of this conversation.
The responsible and mature decision is to take the full scholarship.
It’s not worth 200k more.
Is it worth that much more for your parents and yourself ?
You can only even ask the question if you parents have the money (very hihh income, college fund, trust fund) AND they are willing to pay that much money.
Objectively, UH M will provide you with a better value.
Look into their exchange programs with the continent : Will you be able to spend a semester or even two in another location ? If so, spring sophliere year is great for a study away program. Junior year, one semester abroad. And one more semester in a major American city or in Silicon Valley either semester 6 or 7. You’d get the best of both worlds - no debt, and more world experience.
But ultimately we can’t answer that question for you because objectively the answer should be clear, which means the subjective is winning.
Talk with your parents.
Now knowing the names of the schools, I’m inclined to reiterate my point from the previous thread (go with the full ride.) – Had it been between UHM and Stanford, maybe that would have been different, but I can’t see spending what could very end up to be close to a quarter million of a dollars on Santa Clara to be a worthwhile investment.
UHM, no question about it.
Go to Cali for grad school if you want to-you won’t be so bogged down by debt that it can be a possibility.
And I’m both a mom of teenagers going to college next year AND a full-time college student, so I have an unique perspective. Take the money. You’ll need it later.
@GreenEggsandSpam We truly understand how much you want to go to Santa Clara. But you have to protect yourself. Unlike a lot of people, I wouldn’t automatically cross off 50k over four years if it were a significantly better school and you could afford it. But $200k (or a bit less) of undergraduate loans? That’s CRIPPLING. Don’t do it. It will affect your future jobs, relationships, social life, home life. Don’t do it. Make the most of your time in Hawaii.
Over $200k more to go to Santa Clara??
Santa Clara?
Sorry, but that’s just nuts.
I can’t believe that would even be a consideration. Mind-boggling.
Have fun on the islands for four years, and save $200,000. Easy choice.
@Pheebers I’d have to take on about $10k+ in loans and my single mom would do about $50k. Regardless, $60k in loans is still a huge amount. Thanks for your response!
@veruca Thanks for your reply! How’s your daughter doing now (whether she’s in college or graduated)? I never thought of interning in Silicon Valley, but I will look into it now.
@collegemom3717 I appreciate your insight. You’re largely confirming what my mom and I have been discussing. Thanks for your reply!
@austinmshauri Lol you’re right about the business decision. SCU’s Leavey School of Business is supposedly good, while UH’s Shidler School of Business is one of their better programs but still not great. Therefore, I don’t think the degrees would be comparable. Do you know anything about either school? Thanks for your time!
@GreatKid I agree. I’m just struggling with missing out on going away. Still, I’m going to make a practical decision, and you’ve confirmed what I’ve been thinking. Thanks!
@MYOS1634 You’ve confirmed my thoughts. I never thought about studying abroad multiple times, but now I’ll definitely look into it. Any reason for studying abroad in those semesters specifically? Thanks for stopping by again!