Full ride to Wisconsin=Madison?

<p>Yesterday in the mail I received this big packet offering me a full ride to Wisconsin, but I already withdrew my application unfortunately. Could anyone please just tell me more about it or where to read about it? I can't seem to find anything. </p>

<p>Thanks =]</p>

<p>Who offered you the scholarship? The university?</p>

<p>Why did you withdraw your application?</p>

<p>spice girl, are you in Wisconsin or OOS?</p>

<p>I got into Wisconsin- Madison and also the honors program, and then i got a letter about a full scholarship, but I had already been accepted to my ED school.</p>

<p>and i am out of state</p>

<p>Please tell us the source offering you the scholarship- not at all common, if ever heard of.</p>

<p>UW-Chancellor scholarship here (though I don't know if I've gotten it yet, just applied), but I have know idea what you are talking about.....?</p>

<p>sucks to be you. I would go to UW in a heartbeat for a full ride. Unforunately, it looks like I'll have to pay $33k each year :(</p>

<p>wha-madison is 30 grand a year OOS?</p>

<p>That's all costs- tuition/room/board/books/transportation/other I bet.</p>

<p>Undergraduate</a> Admissions at the University of Wisconsin-Madison</p>

<p>Non resident: $33,280</p>

<p>Yes- all costs. Instate $19,030 per that chart.</p>