Chancellor's Scholarship??

<p>Did anybody else get invited to apply?</p>

<p>What do you think my chances of winning it are?
ACT 32
straight As
so far 8 AP classes
AP Scholar with Distinction
currently ranked 3rd in the class out of 350
Involved in variety of activities
Volunteer about 3 hours a week
Work about 20 hours a week
Placed 1st in state's FBLA conference event
VP of finance for FBLA
National honor society
1 really great reccommendation; 2 decent ones</p>

<p>I got invited as well. I think you have a great chance. The scholarship doesn’t only have one “winner” as many people are invited each year, and there are multiple spots for incoming freshman.</p>

<p>Chancellor’s are mostly for URM’s and others that may be underrepresented including lower income families of all races. If you fit those qualifications it’s a nice honor to get one as they are pretty competitive.</p>

<p>Barrons: How would an applicant from a lower income family of any ethnic background get invited to apply since the FAFSA isn’t available yet? Just curious if you know anything.</p>

<p>Nope, just trying to cover all bases of possible eligibility. Hate to offend anyone. And most of those eligible don’t have to have need–it’s mostly a merit deal.</p>

<p>[Chancellors</a> Scholarship Program](<a href=“Page Not Found - Campus and Visitor Relations Knowledgebase”>Page Not Found - Campus and Visitor Relations Knowledgebase)</p>

<p>D2 was invited to apply. We’re OOS, so she really needs this to make Wisc a viable option. I think it would be a great school for her, so I’ve got my fingers crossed. Good luck to all applicants!</p>

<p>how much is usually awarded in the chancellor scholarship?</p>

<p>Instate get free tuition, OOS get instate tuition more or less.</p>

<p>This is by far the most confusing scholarship I’ve dealt with. When I got the information from the UW website several years ago for D1, they gave full tuition and a book stipend to OOS students. Then this year, a member here gave this link which says:</p>

<p>[Chancellors</a> Scholarship Program](<a href=“]Chancellors”></p>



<p>But the brochure they sent me this year when D2 was invited to apply says:</p>



<p>This is supported by someone in the Chancellor’s office that I talked to a couple of months ago. He said that the Chancellor’s goes to about 50 students and is for full IS or OOS tuition; the Powers-Knapp is given to about 60 students and gives IS tuition for OOS students (I don’t know about IS students).</p>

<p>Chancellors is mostly funded by annual donations so the amounts might change based on funding raised each year.</p>

<p>How did you get notified of their invitation to apply for chancellors?</p>

<p>More info on Chancellor’s</p>

<p>[Chancellor’s</a> Scholarship Program | University of Wisconsin Foundation](<a href=“]Chancellor’s”>Mercile J. Lee Scholars Program | University of Wisconsin Foundation)</p>

<p>What is the Powers-Knapp?</p>



<p>D2 was notified via email a week or two after her acceptance.</p>



<p>barrons, correct me if I’m wrong, but when I read about it several years ago, if a student didn’t get the Chancellor’s, they might be given the P-K, which was a similar scholarship with a lesser value. Here are some past threads concerning the Chancellor’s and P-K, you can find more with the Search function:</p>

<p><a href=“’s[/url]”>’s&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p><a href=“’s[/url]”>’s&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>Are we supposed to send 3 copies of of recomendation letters? LIke 3 from each person?</p>

<p>I’ve tried calling the chancellor’s office but they say that the number is disconnected and give me a number that is not the number i called…</p>

<p>I called and they said that for the LORs that were already mailed in with your general application to UW, they would make copies. For more coming in just for the scholarship application, they’d appreciate 3 copies of each, but would make copies if necessary. </p>

<p>I had luck with the number from the email (608)262-9315; I first got a recording and left a message, and they called back a couple of days later.</p>

<p>So are they going to look at the admission application as well as the scholarship application materials? So the person sending in recommendations for me are the same 2 people i asked to send in recomendations for admissions. Their letters are only tweaked a little bit. </p>

<p>Have you asked at all about the deadline? Does it have to be postmarked by Feb 1st or in their hands by the 1st?</p>

<p>My D2 is just using the 2 that were sent in with the admission application (no tweaking) plus one more.</p>

<p>I did ask about the deadline and they said that they preferred that everything arrive by the Feb 1 deadline. If you look at the application, at the very bottom it says “APPLICATIONS MUST BE RECEIVED BY FEBRUARY 1.” So we’re going to be sure everything is sent via Priority Mail (2-3 day delivery) by the Tuesday before the deadline.</p>

<p>I know that I’m going to be sending in my application sometime this week. Just finishing up on some proofreading n stuff like that…
I have 1 LOR already sent in but 2 more that I still have to send out. Im hoping to send that by priority mail early next week. But those LOR and when they’ll be done by my writers will be done soon enough. I should have given them some more time. </p>

<p>Anyways thanks for all the help entomom. I really want this scholarship!! Good luck to your daughter!</p>

<p>Good luck to you too jenny!</p>