Fun (hopefully), pre-test survey!

<p>1. What time are you going to go to bed tonight?
2. What time do you have to wake up tomorrow?
3. Did you study today?
4. What are you wearing tomorrow?
5. What score you do THINK you’ll get?
6. What score do you HOPE to get?
7. How many times have you taken the ACT before?
8. What are you doing after you’ve taken it tomorrow?
9. I feel like I should fill up the questions until I reach 10, yet I don’t really have any more questions . . . Do you think that I should stop now or keep going?
10. I think that I feel better now that I’ve done an even 10 questions, but I also feel like I have a touch of OCD too. :slight_smile:

<li>What time are you going to go to bed tonight? Unfortunately 2 or 3 am. Pre-test insooooooooooommmmmmmmnnnnnnniiiaaaaaaaaa!</li>
<li>What time do you have to wake up tomorrow? Even more unfortunately 4:30 am. :frowning:</li>
<li>Did you study today? No, but I’m going to right now!! I’m stalling!!</li>
<li>What are you wearing tomorrow? **A ballerina outfit. But seriously, I don’t know yet. I’ll have to wait until the morning to see what mood I’m in! **</li>
<li>What score you do THINK you’ll get? Between a 31 and 34… hopefully!</li>
<li>What score do you HOPE to get? About a 100. :slight_smile:</li>
<li>How many times have you taken the ACT before? First-timer!</li>
<li>What are you doing after you’ve taken it tomorrow? Going out to eat and then proceeding to chew off my fingernails while I anxiously try to recall questions and look them up online, feeling as though this will give me some kind of reassurance that I at least got a FEW right. I’ll also be working on how to stop writing run-on sentences.</li>
<li>I feel like I should fill up the questions until I reach 10, yet I don’t really have any more questions . . . Do you think that I should stop now or keep going? Stop.</li>
<li>I think that I feel better now that I’ve done an even 10 questions, but I also feel like I have a touch of OCD too. :slight_smile: Good for you (er, me).</li>

<li>I am going to</li>
<li>I don't know and I don't care</li>
<li>Holiday Ball at my school</li>

<li>Some, but I'll probably cram a little more in</li>
<li>Something comfortable, not too much thought into that</li>
<li>relax and get ahead on some work</li>

<p>1.Anytime between 10 and 12. Unsure as of right now
4.probably jeans and a sweatshirt

<p>1.) 930 LOL.
2.) 6:30
3.) review.
4.) something comfortable. like sweats i guess..
5.) 2.
6.) 34+ :(
8.) WORK. and workout.</p>

<p>god dang the ACT. i seriously thought i would get my score today :(</p>

<li>Whenever I feel tired....probably late, though.</li>
<li>I dunno...7ish?</li>
<li>Not at all.</li>
<li>I'll probably end up throwing on some dirty jeans and a hoodie.</li>
<li>Honestly no idea...29-31</li>
<li> 31</li>
<li> Once before</li>
<li>Sleeping probably</li>
<li>Haha doesn't matter.</li>
<li>That's nice. :p</li>

<li>Around 10</li>
<li>Naw, I'm too tired. </li>
<li>Whatever I see first in my closet.</li>
<li>At least a 30</li>
<li>Over at 34</li>
<li>First Time</li>
<li>Go to eat then hang out for the rest of the day.</li>

<li>umm, i'll probably go to sleep sometime this morning (3am, maybe).</li>
<li>6:30 at the latest</li>
<li>today is (sadly) the first time i studied</li>
<li>who knows? the outfit will probably include a hoodie, though.</li>
<li>25 :(</li>
<li>i'll probably cry, then work on homework and college apps </li>
<li>"I also feel like I have a touch of OCD too." <- i know the feeling...</li>

<li>10:00 pm</li>
<li>6:15 am</li>
<li>Polo shirt and long pants</li>
<li>Once (October, 2007) which I STILL haven't received my score for :/ </li>
<li>Going to work</li>

<p>What time did you guys get out when you took it? I think it was around 1pm, but I'm not sure. I have to work at 1:30, so if it's any later, I think I'll be late :X</p>

<li>What time are you going to go to bed tonight? Probably 10ish</li>
<li>What time do you have to wake up tomorrow? 6ish</li>
<li>Did you study today? No...maybe in a bit</li>
<li>What are you wearing tomorrow? Jeans. A supppperrrr cute grey shirt I just bought. Black low heels. My favorite earrings. Something to make me feel good.</li>
<li>What score you do THINK you'll get? 30</li>
<li>What score do you HOPE to get? 30</li>
<li>How many times have you taken the ACT before? 2</li>
<li>What are you doing after you've taken it tomorrow? Going to this auction thing w/ friends, probably coffee with different friends, then watching a Gonzaga bball game</li>