Funny Cornell e-mail

<p>Found this at a humor site but supposedly, it is true.</p>

<p>From: Jonathon ***** <******>
Subject: Important
Date: Fri Apr 29 11:54:27 EDT 2005</p>

<p>DMC Residents,
Last night someone defecated in a washer in the laundry room. Now
someone's friend, mother, father, son, or daughter (Read: Your custodian)
is cleaning this up. As you can imagine, I am not happy and want to find
out who is being so disrespectful. Please let me know if you know ANYTHING
about this. In a few weeks you will be taking exams and will want someone
to be nice to you or look out or you in some way- please do the same for
the people who clean up after you. If no perpetrator is found this may
result in common area damage billing for everyone in the building. I look
forward to hearing from someone.

<p>that's not funny. if that is an actual RA, he sucks. i can understand if this was an april fool's joke, but this is not good procedure for an RA, nor is he being objective and calm. sounding accusatory and asking for ppl to accusing each other is not what makes a good RA, AND lastly, i've been in this type of situation before, and for an RA to send out an e-mail is bad form. one can find out/try to find out discreetly rather than cause gossip and rumors. what a horrible email</p>

<p>It is very very true.
I live in DMC and I got that email!</p>

<p>Also, he's not an RA. He's the Residence Hall Director (RHD). He sends out emails like this from time to time, like when the piano bench was stolen or people complained to him about people smoking close to open windows.</p>

<p>It's a standard email and (if you live in a residence hall) you will probably receive many times. Living in Donlon last year, I probably received around 4-5 of these, resulting in 4-5 charges on my bursar bill for the stupid things that people do (stealing a freakin' dryer door, writing on the wall-had to get entire wall repainted, missing chairs, etc.).</p>

<p>Not... enough... bleach... in the world...</p>

<p>stolen chairs and things like that are different. during a peer review training session, I was brought to terms with these more...personal issues (bodily fluids etc) and the one thing they taught is NO ONE IS EVER WILLING TO TESTIFY let alone step up...sure you can accuse, but nothing is going to happen unless you are willing to testify against the person you are accusing, and that rarely if ever happens, and in cases like RAs are taught to be discreet, because not only is this an extremely embarrassing situation, but making it public knowledge can cause more harm than help. what if it happened when someone was drunk? (most likely) that person if accused could 1. not remember it (and then what can you do?) and 2. be a force to reckon with on a mission to find out his/her accuser (if he/she chose to do it anonymously) and it isn't hard living in a dorm. Another problem is that it could be a total random, stranger who doesn't even live in the dorm! And then what?! so many possibilities, and thus, so many rumors about this sensitive area. You may think otherwise, but I think it was bad form to do that.</p>

<p>^ well, idk who would admit to taking a crap in a washer, that's quite nasty</p>

<p>I wonder if it was a top-loading or side-loading washer...</p>


<p>that's special</p>

<p>How's Cornell for pranks, though? I mean decent ones, not lame "oh look, poop" pranks.</p>

<p>Cornell has great sticking-things-on-top-of-towers pranks.</p>

<p>Ahaha yeah there's the pumpkin and the disco ball. How on earth do they manage that anyway? I can't imagine crawling up McGraw like that.</p>

<p>I wonder how you would learn to climb like that... is anyone else thinking a rock climbing thing for gym reqs? After this guy is gone, I wonder how we'll get stuff up there?</p>

<p>I hope the pranks don't stop, though the disco ball did cost a lot of $$ for them to take down. It reminds me of the "hacks" at MIT, where people put random things on top of one of their buildings, and apparently it happens a lot more often. One of the hacks involved putting a lifesize police car, policeman doll, and box of donuts on top of the dome of the building, I think. :)</p>

is anyone else thinking a rock climbing thing for gym reqs?

<em>raises hand</em></p>

<p>LOL at the donuts... they are so thorough. But it's sort of like leaving cookies and milk for Santa once he gets around to visiting the erhm... roof.</p>