Future Roomates?

Hello, I was recently accepted during ED at VT (Yay)! I was wondering where can I look for future roommates? I am an OOS student so I barely know anyone. Thanks!

Congrats. Contact the folks at housing.vt.edu and I’m sure they can steer you in the right direction.

Sweet, thanks

There should be a Facebook page for your class later on once EA and RD decisions are released.

Yeah but I don’t want to wait that long just in case I don’t get a housing spot

@Jacobennett3 You’re going to be guaranteed housing. The key is to pay your matriculation fee as soon as you can, and once housing contracts are sent out then complete it right away. ED contracts will have priority over everyone else (except certain LLC’s). You won’t be selecting housing and officially linking with your roommate until late spring.

ShenVal18 is correct (as always) - you don’t have to worry about roommate yet. Just pay your matriculation fee and that will give you your place in line for room selection.

You will have until early June to find a roommate - then when your time comes to select room you can pull the roommate in with you (meaning even if roommate accepts months from now - you still pull him in at your early time for selection). Great benefit of being Early Decision is you will get a very early time slot for picking a room.

When do housing contracts come out? Do you have to do that same time as paying matriculation fee in order to be in first wave?

Once you pay your matriculation fee and setup all your account Id’s. It takes then about 4 business days for your account to be setup in starrez.


Click on login at top right. Then go to bottom of page to VT Student login (not the login presented)

You will then be able to sign your housing contract and get your place in line for dorm selection.