Future Students

<p>So I know that my username is HokieFreshman, but I am a current sophomore majoring in Biological Sciences and also in University Honors. I am also a Hokie Ambassador so if anybody has any questions don't hesitate to ask because I am sure that I could give you some sort of answer with the abundance of information I have from being an HA! Ask away!</p>

<p>Also, congrats to all the future Hokies! You guys have made the best decision by becoming a Hokie! Everybody in the Hokie Nation is excited for you to join us next year!</p>

<p>Have you lived in EAJ? Would you recommend it?</p>

<p>Do you think you could briefly explain the process of transferring from another university? Thanks.</p>

<p>@planes42 I got into VT Industrial Design too! I’m a little nervous about the work load, and may want to minor in Marketing as well or else possibly major in it. How do you feel about it?</p>

<p>I’m really, really excited! I know it’s going to be a lot of work, but in my experience, when I’m spending hours doing something I love, time flies. I don’t think it should be too bad, especially first year. </p>

<p>I have a ton of credits exempted from AP classes, so I’m planning to complete a minor in business. VT has a business minor designed specifically for non-business majors. It’s intensive; it requires around 40 credit hours. I don’t think you can do a minor in marketing unless you’re a business major. Anyways, here’s the check sheet for their business minor if you’re interested:</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.me.vt.edu/_files/pdf_minor.pdf[/url]”>http://www.me.vt.edu/_files/pdf_minor.pdf&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@planes42 - I have not lived in EAJ; however, I currently live in WAJ. The dorm is really nice - air-conditioning and carpeted. I know that EAJ is Honors and I haven’t heard anything bad about it. I was in RLC last year and I encourage you to check it out. Great program, great dorm! I loved everything about it!</p>

<p>@BentheHokie - I do not know anything about transfers since I have not gone through that process. I will say though to not lose hope. I know a few people from my school that were deferred and then got in regular decision. I cannot think of anybody I know who was deferred then rejected. Just stay positive, and like you mentioned, transferring is possible if Tech is definitely where you want to be!</p>

<p>BenTheHokie, I transferred to Tech in Fall 2010. Here’s what I know:</p>

<p>Transferring from a 4 year university after one year is do-able, so long as you meet the minimum requirements. Getting a 3.0+ GPA and taking classes that will apply to the CLE or your major will be strong deciding factors in your application. This means you need to find out what’s required for the major you’re transferring into. You can also check out the Transfer Equivalency Database (<a href=“Login | Virginia Tech”>Login | Virginia Tech) to find your school and classes that will transfer to Tech, so that you are taking the right classes at your current school.</p>

<p>If you’re transferring from a community college, it is a little more difficult to transfer in a year unless you will have a lot of credits & classes that will transfer into Tech. The biggest thing they look at when you’re applying is that you’re taking classes that meet requirements for your major so that you can graduate on time.</p>

<p>The application process is the same as applying as a freshman, but the deadline is later. Personally, I recommend applying as soon as possible, since they let out transfer decisions in “waves” instead of all at once. The application is pretty much the same, except you have to put your current and future semester courses, so they know what you’re taking. In order for any classes to transfer, you need to get at least a C. Once you apply, you’re also required to let Admissions know if you drop or change any of your courses, because it could affect their admission decision.</p>

<p>PM me or post here if you have anymore questions.</p>

<p>HokieFreshman, about WAJ - is that a one of the dorms that you have to apply to a leadership program to be placed there?
Do you have any other recommendatons for a freshman dorm?

<p>@yellowcar: Yeah you do have to apply to be in the WAJ. I would recommend checking out the RLC. I was in that last year as a freshman as aforementioned and loved it!</p>

<p>Hi HokieFreshman,</p>

<p>I just was admitted early decision and I am so excited to become a part of the Hokie community! I have been doing a bit of research into both the RLC and the WAJ Residential College program. I did a search here in this forum and there seems to be mixed reviews of both programs. Since the Residential College at WAJ is kind of new, I guess there isn’t as much to know about it, but I really like what the RLC offers in terms of a chance to learn how to serve and be more a part of the school. </p>

<p>I haven’t sent my deposit in yet, is that required before I apply to either of these? Do you feel that becoming a part of the RLC would better help me to prepare to be an RA in my sophomore year? Thanks so much for sharing your info!</p>

<p>@ Country4me - One thing to keep in mind is freshman that are admitted to the RC@WAJ are required to make a two year commitment. Upperclassman and graduate students make a year to year commitment and don’t have to go through the housing lottery. I would speak with someone at VT within the RC@WAJ if the two year commitment would mean you could not pursue a RA position your sophomore year.</p>

<p>[Apply</a> | Residential College at West Ambler Johnston Hall | Virginia Tech](<a href=“http://www.housing.vt.edu/llc/waj/apply/]Apply”>http://www.housing.vt.edu/llc/waj/apply/)</p>

<p>The RLC freshman are required to live in PY, however the only other students that have the ‘option’ of living there are sophomores. This gives me the impression you could pursue an RA position your sophomore year and still participate in the RLC.</p>

<p>[For</a> Students | Residential Leadership Community | Virginia Tech](<a href=“http://www.rlc.aee.vt.edu/FutureStudents/students.html]For”>http://www.rlc.aee.vt.edu/FutureStudents/students.html)</p>

<p>@Country4Me: Like BlueIguana said freshmen are required to live in PY, however the only non-freshmen students that also live in PY are your RAs in PLs (Peer Leaders - sophomores who help out with the RLC classes after being in the program their freshman year). I don’t think being in the RLC really gives you an advantage to becoming an RA but I think it opens you up to opportunities that would be beneficial. I know people, both in the RLC and not, that were and were not selected as RAs, so it is not about where you live, but what you do in your hall community and outside of class. </p>

<p>Side note, if you are in the RLC next year then I may be your RA as I am applying to be an RA in PY!</p>

<p>Thank you both for the information. I actually received an email from VT today that gives an overview of all the different housing options. I have decided that I am going to apply for the Residential Leadership Community. The concept topics for the fall semester class look really interesting and are things that will help me no matter what I end up doing as a career I think, but especially given what I am considering. I am going to start working on this as soon as my parents send in my initial payment to secure my acceptance. </p>

<p>Wish me luck! :slight_smile: and thank you again. Hope to meet you in person someday HokieFreshman!</p>

<p>Good luck! Just know that you can apply to two programs and give preference over the other so if you see two that you would be interested in being a part of then apply. If you get accepted to one, that doesn’t change your chance of being accepted to the other. I actually was accepted to two programs but chose RLC. </p>

<p>You never know, may be your RA.</p>

<p>Hey, HokieFreshman!</p>

<p>I’m only a junior right now, but VT is my dream school! And I’m aspiring to be in the honors program. What qualifications do they look for in an honors applicant? For instance, do they go by pure statistics (GPA, SAT, Class rank) or is there an interview of some sort to see if they have a scholar’s love for learning? Any feedback is appreciated! Thanks!</p>

<p>Honestly don’t think the Honors College is a big deal but maybe it has some benefits I’m not aware of, but in terms of getting in I have no idea how they do it. I don’t think that it is stats only because I had above a 4.2 and a 1430 SAT w/out writing and I didn’t get.</p>

<p>Hi @Hokiefreshman… I was wondering about the release dates for admissions. I know they say all decisions are sent out in April but from some of my other schools I have received lets to kinda ease the nerves that ensure admissions. Does VT do anything like that?</p>

<p>@ cdavis - Honors eligible applicants started getting notifications on 2/17, so unless they change something for this admission cycle you might expect something around the same timeframe.</p>

<p>@ VaCollegeGirl - Here’s the link the Honors College where you’ll find a lot of information on the benefits. Things change, however when my son applied and was accepted in 2011 there was only an application which was reviewed holistically (ie not just grades and scores) for admission. No interview was required.</p>

<p><a href=“http://www.univhonors.vt.edu/html/about.html[/url]”>http://www.univhonors.vt.edu/html/about.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p&gt;

<p>@blueiguana… you seem very knowledgeable about VT. Honors application link was already on DS application portal. Was it OK for him to go ahead and submit it? We saw it there, so he went ahead and filled it out… he does meet the basic Honors requirements, so I’m guessing he would be receiving an invite eventually anyway.</p>

<p>Granipc - There are many people here who have a lot of knowledge far beyond mine, I just happen to be around right now. For full disclosure my 2011 grad was accepted to the eschool, honors, and honors housing, however chose another university. I learned a great deal during his admissions process through others here, and have a hs Jr interested in VT so have stayed to answer questions where I felt I could help. When my son applied to honors in 2011 the application was online but submitted via snail mail :eek: The electronic filing is a huge improvement! I really don’t know if it will be an issue to have submitted the app prior to a formal invitation. I would contact them directly @ (540)231-4591 or honors@vt dot edu.</p>