<p>When I got to school there were a lot of people just standing around at the Bronco Student Center and when the orientation leaders said for us to go up the stairs we all lined up and were then allowed to go to where our name was sorted alphabetically with an information packet and lanyard where you’d put your name tag into it. After that, you’d receive a tote bag with a bunch of other information that detailed the events of the day and other important stuff. For us, we headed into ursa major and filed into a line for our Student ID. There’s another opportunity in the day to get your picture taken as well. You’ll need to show your driver’s license and give them a receipt for the picture by tearing it out of one of the resource things they give you. There’ll be doughnuts and some breakfast refreshments on a side table and there will be plenty of seating where they’ll welcome you to Cal Poly and the president will give his spiel about how 30,000 students applied for 4,000 spots, so we were all lucky to get in, etc. Also drove home a lot of points about graduating on time. After a few more speeches/speakers, we were separated by college and we went on a campus tour. It wasn’t that great of a tour because we basically just walked around in a big circle. It was humid, so I’d have a water bottle to carry with me. It was kind of lame because they didn’t take you into the library, didn’t let you see any of the gardens, etc. You’ll definitely get to see the CLA building, which I thought is pretty cool. It’s supposed to point towards Los Angeles but points to Long Beach. You might want to remember what CLA stands for and what your major’s building number is cuz you can win a free t-shirt at the end of the day. Not sure if they’ll be doing that for you guys, but I assume so.</p>
<p>After that we were taken to a transfer evaluator type woman. She gave us a talk about a lot of Bronco Direct stuff and our transfer credit reports. The reason we’re listed as provisional admits right now is because the woman is “working on it”. She said the last time she looked at doing any of that was three weeks ago, so…go figure. She said she’d <em>try</em> to get it done before Fall 2012 but if not it’ll be called <em>supplemental</em> for our Spring 2012 work. I kind of wanted to hit her over the head for that because 3 classes on my transcript is not that difficult to process…</p>
<p>We had lunch. You could get some chips, a Subway sandwich, and a drink all free. You could sit with a group of people and chat. After that there were just many more talks about Bronco Direct, registering for classes, important dates, etc. They definitely made sure you knew how to enroll for classes. That all led up to you all finally being separated by major and your adviser just simply either making suggestions on what you should take or outlining you some sort of plan. It just depends on who you get. As for me, she recommended I take some courses so I signed up for them and they have to sign you off before you can go to a club fair.</p>
<p>Basically, the whole club fair thing is just there to introduce you to a handful of clubs they have to offer and you use this stamp sheet to take to the ASI to try and win a free prize. After that you’re hanging out for a while in Ursa Major again and they give a talk about all the financial aid information you need to know.</p>
<p>As for me, I got to meet the two advisers that were assigned to me. There were 10 math majors (2 pure, 8 applied) altogether there and they were very friendly, helpful, and encouraging. They gave us a tour of the math building and let us meet some of the math faculty, all very nice and interesting people. Try to be careful who you stereotype, though. I was surprised. </p>
<p><a href=“You're a math major at cal poly pomona?, OMG, ME TOO. - Control FreakGirl - Meme Generator”>You're a math major at cal poly pomona?, OMG, ME TOO. - Control FreakGirl - Meme Generator;
<p>So, I would bring a backpack unless you want to look lame carrying a tote bag all day. They give you lots of papers and presentations about all the information they can throw at you (health center, campus security, psychology stuff, how competitive it is to register for classes). I think you might get a headache by the end of the day from the combination of the heat and listening. I met some cool people though and got along nicely with others I met throughout the day. You will basically only be able to register for 13 units until Add/Drop day which occurs in August. So, probably 3 classes like me. You should probably look up the classes you need though soon and use the plan feature so you don’t waste a lot of time there with all the other X majors. But I’m sure they can help you select the classes you need, although you are kind of already competing against them for spots.</p>
<p>I thought the campus was gorgeous, though. There’s fines for picking flowers and feeding the fish ($500). Just be prepared for uphill walking.</p>
<p>Unfortunately, there’s no real time to visit the Bronco store because they keep you busy almost the entire time. There is a period where you can try and sneak off to it during the club fair after advisement. I would try to be out of the orientation leaders vision most of the time and take off your lanyard if you wanted to travel there. It’s right by the BSC building. I ended up ordering a couple t-shirts online, lol.</p>