GA Tech Class of 2025 EA1 and EA2

Thx! It’s too bad this is not broken down between in state and OOS. Would be interesting to compare with current year numbers (some of which may still be forthcoming.)

Possibly a dumb question, but when you say 2020 EAII Data, is that referring to applicants this year (Class of 2021) or last year (Class of 2020)?

I took it as last year’s data.

UT business should be better than GT. GT CS is slightly better than UT



My twins got in today! OOS for CS and OOS for business admin. My daughter wants to pursue CS but is confused between her admission at UT Austin CS or Georgia Tech CS, what do you guys think? Is there a big difference in education between CS and business at GT and UT? We also live in Austin so instate tuition.

For EA1 and EA2 the stats are as follows:

EA1: 6.13K applied, 2.3k accepted (38%)
EA2: 21K applied, 3K accepted (14%)


That kinda goes against what the new president wanted. He wanted for EA to accept more Georgians than oos

Legislature wanted 90% of EA to be Georgians. GT did not agreed with that and it didn’t pass, but his seems to go in a total different direction.

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These acceptance rate seem to track last year’s numbers, so I would guess in RD they will admit another 2.5k to 3.5k more.

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Not all of 3K EA2 admits will eventually join. But I would assume most GA residents would join. From other websites, it looks like overall OOS attendance at GA tech is 7 to 8%. So that still meets the state requirement

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Being in Texas and Austin, UT can’t be beat for price and convenience. I live in Austin too. And if your kid needs something, it’s a short drive for you.

For both CS and business their outcomes will be similar at either school.

That said GT and UT aren’t similar schools.

UT has 40,000 undergrads
GT has 15,000 undergrads

UT mf ratio 50/50
GT mf ratio 60/40

UT instate OOS ratio 90/10
GT instate OOS ratio 60/40

GT has 3 CS buildings and 2400 undergrads.
UT has 1 CS building and 1500 undergrads.

GT has 1200 business undergrads.
UT has 11,000 business undergrads.

GT is a engineering school with 40 majors, and the smartest public school in the country.

UT is a state university with 200 majors, and the second smartest public school in Texas.

The UT academic equivalent to GT is being in UT honors programs - UT Engineering Honors, CS Turing, Business Honors.

GT getting your classes and transferring majors is easy. UT nope, and you can only transfer to less desirable majors.

GT students can live in on campus dorms all 4 years. UT nope, just freshman year.

UT sports…eh. GT occasionally but usually nope.

GT’s campus is actually larger and nicer than UT’s and very green by comparison. UT is claustrophobic and devoid of greenery.

Austin is a walkable town, if you don’t mind the homeless. Atlanta no, don’t do that.



I recently got deferred from GeorgiaTech, which kinda sucked at first, but now I see it as an opportunity to strengthen my application rather than be straight up rejected. Could someone shed some light into how the deferral process works at GeorgiaTech? Is it a good sign for RD? Do they mass-defer or are they selective with deferrals? Is this a good sign for my other apps, which were better than the one I submitted early in october?


Edit: I am an out of state asian male and my major was Mechanical Engineering.

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Getting deferred in gatech is a good sign since most applicants are rejected. Make sure that you keep your senior grades high and write the deferral from so it sounds like tech is your first choice. Almost a third of deferred get accepted, so you will have a good chance!


I think the issue is it counts all 45k for number of applicants. EA had 28k applicants or so? 45k is total so this is why percentage is skewed.

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Does one receive an email if accepted?

No. That was not passed. Not sure it was even voted on.


What is the smartest public university in TX ?

I think a lot of schools are being more conservative in the EA rounds than would’ve been expected because they now also know a lot of kids have applied to a ton of schools and they’re starting to protect their yields. Some students will get into their “dream” schools and perhaps start to pull out their applications when they may have been accepted to these schools otherwise.

For instance UNC, UVA, and Michigan still have their EA decisions to come out. I know many people who want Michigan. If they get in, that’s it, they’re done. UIUC which competes with GT for CS also hasn’t come out yet so same deal.

So many students have applied to more than 10 schools this year, from the typical 6-8 so there will be tremendous shifting around.

Easier to defer and see what’s there in the RD round also, which probably includes many who were rejected from the ED rounds of schools too.

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If you were offered one of the transfer programs is it guaranteed admission if you meet the requirements?

Little off the discussion, I got rejected from gtech. One of my friend who has little lower stats and no ecs got deferred. It’s so hard on me to accept. I got accepted in Purdue. Is Purdue a good school.


Purdue is a great school. Love those who love you!!! I am sure you will do very well and have a fantastic time at Purdue!!


Wow! Good info! Can you do this research for my son for all his schools!? LOL

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