gahhh, how much did you guys write for envi sci?

<p>I didn't write that much only like 2-4 sentences for each subsection. They were concise, but i couldn't think of anything else to write...
and now i'm pretty worried about it.</p>

<p>Uh. Same. Idk. I checked AP central and some people wrote like 5 words and still got 10/10</p>

<p>I wrote like 2 pages for #3 and #4 because I knew the material pretty well. #1 was BS, a page. #2 I’m a bit concerned. I got the answers but I did the process of it in my green book, I only put the answers on the answer booklet. I’m not sure right now if they want the process.</p>

<p>I wrote like 4-6 sentences per subsection. But like they always say, it’s not about quantity, it’s about quality. If it only takes you a few sentences to explain, why do more? Me, I wrote whatever I knew and some BS along with it. My opinion is that you never know what kind of BS they are looking for, so cover your bases. </p>

<h1>1 I thought was for the most part easy, except for some parts. But I finished everything else. #2 was real easy, but some of my answers I just rounded, so idk about that. #3, well, I don’t even remember what the question was. Question #4 was cake. Overall, I thought the FRQ’s were fair and pretty good.</h1>


qft. </p>

<h1>1 was pure BS…i ignored my teacher w/e he talked about specific pollutants cuz i expected to just know a broad range rofl. the rest were just logic i guess combined w/ BS</h1>

<p>FRQ #1 = Two pages
FRQ #2 = 0 pages
FRQ #3 = Two pages
FRQ #4 = Two and a half pages</p>

<p>how did u guys format urs?</p>

<p>i saw 3 blank pages, so i just put something like
[insert paragraph here]
skip 1 line or the entire page,</p>


<p>I had 1.5 for one of them and 1 for all the others. I write concisely.</p>

<p>Yeah, I wrote a lot for all of them. I had a lot to say… the night before I had stayed up doing practice FRQs and they give points for the actual question and like an “elaboration” point for specifically discussing something.</p>

<p>I’m an excessive, extremely fast writer with medium handwriting (the excessive bit illustrates why I’ll ace my US History/Lit essays and NOT my EnviSci essays, most likely):</p>

<p>FRQ 1: 1.5 pages
FRQ 2: .5 pages (only answered two parts)
FRQ 3: 3 pages
FRQ 4: 3 pages</p>

<p>I did write in an essay format, but it wasn’t a fluid essay. I had a paragraph for each section of a question, but the paragraphs didn’t “flow” or anything.</p>


<p>I thought for environmental you just have to answer part A, B, whatever it is. It needs to be like an essay?</p>

<p>FRQ 1 was utter failure.
Completely BSed it.</p>

<p>We can talk about them pretty soon…I anticipate this.</p>



<p>The pink booklet specifically stated that outline form would not be acceptable. Some students have said that A, B, C, etc. was fine. I’m always better safe than sorry, though. My score is low enough without any other deductions.</p>

<p>My teacher says it’s better to do it in A B C form because it makes it easier for the graders to find your answers for each part. Labeling your answers does not count as outline form. Outline form is just when you make a list or bullet points and don’t connect the ideas in full sentences.</p>

<p>Most of mine were only 2-3 sentences (usually around 4-5 lines).</p>

<p>I did ABC form, and it was strange… on some topics i just went nuts and would have half a page for one part, then two or three sentences for another. Hopefully they aren’t looking for consistency or else im screwed. I did fairly well on all the essays except I couldnt get 4 a(i, ii, and iii) although I got the rest… I hope they don’t weight 4a too much</p>

<p>I think I did pretty well.</p>

<p>FRQ 1 was fine…half bs half genuinely answering the question: 1.5 pages max
FRQ 2 was complete bsing except for some of the math: .5 page
FRQ 3 was the only one that I knew everything on: 2 pages
FRQ 4 was pretty good except for the math part: 1.5/2 pages</p>

<p>Anybody else think that the whole test was more or less BS? Let’s just say that I originally thought that FRQ1 had to do with directly attaching something to a cow’s anus…</p>