Gain scholarships!!

<p>So strange! I received the acceptance letter a week ago, but no scholarship or fin aid package.
I have visited the website of UM Biz School, and found out freshmen scholarship for Freshmen with 1300 SAT ( more info in the following link: <a href=""&gt;;/a>. It seems that this kind of scholarship is similar to the Trustee Scholarship for Um's accepted students ( 11000$/ year). However, To be considered for a University of Miami academic scholarship, we should simply complete and submit the Undergraduate Application for Admission, without any seperate application form. For the UM Biz School's scholarship, we must fill in a particular form provided in the school's website.
Do you guy think it is acceptable to apply to freshman scholarship of UM Biz school, and, simultaneously, ask for Um's academic scholarship?
Is the avarage need-based grant of UM generous?
Any help will be appreciated.
Thanks in advance.</p>

<p>I think it's perfectly acceptable to apply for the business scholarship. I know 2 years ago wish<em>it</em>was_april's S received a UM academic scholarship and a business school scholarship. General academic scholarship info usually comes in the admissions packet. Good luck.</p>

<p>Do you think I should fax the scholarship application form to UM Biz School ? Or, i have to send the form through mail.
How many scholarship dollars can I receive from UM Biz's freshman scholarship?
thanks so much for your help!</p>

<p>The link posted don't work for me.</p>