UM Scholarships

<p><a href=",1770,29532-1;40341-2;29913-2;46413-2;46410-3,00.html%5B/url%5D"&gt;,1770,29532-1;40341-2;29913-2;46413-2;46410-3,00.html&lt;/a&gt;&lt;/p>

<p>according to their site, merit is very heavily weighted towards Class rank. Here's the thing. I've taken some pretty hard classes and have a somewhat lower rank, but my standardized test scores are pretty good. Would my "bad" rank (top 20% at an uber competitive HS) automatically disqualify me from getting any merit aid at all, or are they more holistic than it seems. My high school sends like 90% to 4-year colleges, with most of the rest going to community college or something. My GPA is pretty good and I have an upward trend over my HS career. How will I be judged in this manner? Thanks and have a stupendous day!</p>

<p>It seems as if they took a "holistic" approach with my son. I think many were pleasantly surprised with what UM offered them when the dust settled.</p>

<p>hows does UM count those scholarships if your school does not rank?</p>

<p>also what is considered an A average or an A- avergae.....i have a 3.7uw and a 4.2 w is that a A average?</p>

<p>Good, yes that is an "A" average.</p>

<p>YARR, try to raise your rank to at least the top 15%, make sure you get a 1350-1400 on the Math/Verbal portios of the SAT I, and above all (!!!!) make sure you take advantage of making an appt. with your admissions person if they come to your area. if they don't visit your area, go down, do a tour day at Miami and arrange for an interview with them on that day. I believe that really helped my son by allowing him to hit it off with his AdComm person and that relatioship and first hand knowledge of him allowed her to see him as an individual and not just an application. If you do that stuff, I believe you would be a shoe in for the 1/3 scholarship based on this year, strong for the 1/2 and have an outside chance at the 3/4 next year.</p>

<p>What if H.S. does not rank?</p>

<p>Sorry to bump such an old thread.</p>