Gay students at UW Madison

<p>Would a gay male be accepted at UW Madison? Would he feel comfortable on campus, be socially accepted by both gay and straight students alike?</p>

<p>Not a problem. They were accepted back when I went there in the early 70’s.</p>

<p>I think most people are pretty accepting, speaking as a bisexual girl. I haven’t really met anyone who wasn’t okay with it, though I’m not really overt about it (just not my personality, not due to any fear or anything). </p>

<p>One thing to keep in mind is that Wisconsin, excepting its cities, is a pretty rural state - you may run into people who grew up in small farm towns and may hold kind of unaccepting views on LGBT issues. (Not saying all people from small farm towns are like that! All the ones I have met are very nice.) There are lots and lots of people at UW, from lots of places, but you do have to take that into consideration - while I have never had any problems, I know people who have had some unkind things said to them. While there’s no excuse for bigotry, I like to be positive and chalk it up to the fact that they’ve grown up in a place where there weren’t a whole lot of LGBT people or really many dissenting views at all. But I wouldn’t think you’d be associating with people like that much anyway, so you’ll be fine :)</p>

<p>UW is definitely LGBT friendly, you’d have nothing to worry about.</p>

<p>So a gay male student would not get harassed or bothered by straight males there? He would be able to have friendships with both gay and straight males without any hassle? I know Madison is a gay friendly city but is the campius as well? The student community is welcoming of gay students?</p>

<p>Obviously when you’re dealing with a student body of around 40,000 there are going to be quite a few exceptions, but by and large UW is gay friendly and the student community is welcoming.</p>

<p>Yeah, of course it depends on the person, some people aren’t okay with it like anywhere else, but the VAST majority of everyone I have met is totally fine with it. There are a lot of LGBT groups around campus too, they even have an LGBT campus center in the union.</p>

<p>Very true, and there are also LGBT “safe zones” in the dorms (which are admittedly rather cheesy in my opinion, but it’s a still a nice gesture and it’s also symbolic of a tolerant atmosphere). [There’s</a> even an LGBT Christian group](<a href=“Search Results for “orginfo.asp” – Center for Leadership & Involvement – UW–Madison”>Search Results for “orginfo.asp” – Center for Leadership & Involvement – UW–Madison).</p>