Gender Inclusive Housing @ Exeter

@philbegas please actually read the arguments before completely misstating everything that has been said before.

Don’t forget to put the seat up. Or down. Or up. Wait, what is protocol for that?

Not what I meant. You know this gender inclusive dorm initiative is from the school administration and is being implemented right? So if you feel so indignant about it, you are setting yourself up for some unhappy years with what these schools are/will be doing. Of course, you are welcome to have different opinions and “fight” as you will.

As if colleges are any different? Might as well get used to it now

You can find colleges, and even boarding schools, more aligned with conservative values. You might not like the educational quality, though.

Lol what did I misstate exactly? I quoted a piece of your statement that makes no sense because your arguments are anecdotal at best.

Oh and me? I leave the toilet seat up sure, or sometimes I might even sit down and urinate if I’m half asleep or if I feel as though it might save having to clean it later. My masculinity is not fragile lmao.

Nothing causes you to really reflect on your beliefs and your reasons for them than knowing you will have to defend them against your professor and a majority of your classmates every day.

read the three prior pages and figure it out for yourself. It will give you something to do when sitting down to pee. Here’s a hint - it was your last paragraph, not the first. Lol.

@Korab1 I was responding to the thread in general, don’t be so conceited as to assume it was directed at you.

Or instead of defending them you could hide them, you know, how transgender and non-binary people have had to hide their own identities for years…

Oh - my jugular! I guess I assumed it when you started off your post by quoting me. But it is a misstatement of the entire thread. No one ever argued any such thing.

Wait - are you talking to me?

But if you don’t like their policies, no one forces you to GO to that school. That is the point. You have other choices. If this school does want to room indiscriminately (and I’m not even saying whether I think that is “right”), what is stopping you from taking your business elsewhere?

Oh wait @Korab1 I guess I was mostly arguing against you, but also @Center

“Think twice? why, are people who aren’t liberal and progressive welcome at the elite schools? Is that why they are considered elite? How tolerant!”

Nobody said they’re not welcome.

@HRSMom So true. If you don’t like social progression send your kids/go to a religious boarding school.

I’m troubled by the idea that a trans kid should not be accommodated because it makes someone uncomfortable. Seems like the logic that got us “whites only” bathrooms decades ago.

@Center Bravo, your hypocrisy is outstanding.

You complain:

" I also take issue with coddling snowflakes who use sexuality and gender politics as their entire raison d’etre."

Yet you expect private institutions and people on the internet to coddle you when you can’t handle social change?
I’m confused. Education is about moving forward and learning new things.

“Nothing causes you to really reflect on your beliefs and your reasons for them than knowing you will have to defend them against your professor and a majority of your classmates every day.”

I imagine that is how LGBTQ and other minorities feel every single day of their life.

Well… it will be interesting to see how it all works out for both schools. Why not? ~O)

I’m just chuckling at some of the old-old guard ( at both schools ) receiving that news. OMG. Pass the Popov and popcorn.

Hmmm. Not BS, but I lived in a co-ed dorm with co-ed bathrooms all through college in the 70’s and never saw any nudity or impropriety (in the bathrooms anyway). I guess I’m in the live-and-let-live camp. If you don’t like what any particular school is doing, you have plenty of other choices. Don’t see what the fuss is about.

I have to say the whole “if you don’t like it go somewhere else” argument applies equally well to both sides. I can understand having this type of dorm in college when kids are more mature and not in need of much supervision but at BS, with kids as young 14, I’m not sure the schools are really equipped to handle the inevitable issues that will arise. Further, I’m not sure that separating the kids in their own special dorm will help them integrate into their school’s community–more likely it isolate them even further .

In terms to this thread I think it would have been a lot more positive if everyone used some perspective on all sides of the argument.I like the idea of gender inclusive housing though I’m not to fond of the other plan alongside of it.