General school environment?

Hello, I am a freshman at FAU and I am looking to transfer next year. I am from Texas (El Paso), so I’m looking for more Texas schools to apply to. I am very liberal and am majoring in political science. I know Texas A&M has a great poli sci program and that the school in general is considered to be conservative: how conservative is it really? Will I feel like I can’t express my beliefs on campus? I would like to be in a school that is politically active and has opportunities to get involved politically, in your experience does A&M have this? Also, would you say that A&M has a good community and that there are a lot of things to do on campus, particularly during the weekend? What’s being in College Station like?

It’s Texas so most Universities will be more conservative than liberal. Professors are extremely liberal so your view points in class will be heard and respected. TAMU has an amazing community and unless you’re being rude and disrespectful, you should feel completely welcomed even if differing views. There are so many clubs that there is bound to be a place you can be as active as you want both politically and socially. Tons to do on campus. Most students stay on the weekends (especially in the Fall). Dorm life is dorm life and off campus housing is very active and engaging if you want there to be some action on the weekends. You really can’t go wrong here if you are willing to put yourself out there!!! Best of luck!

I definitely lean liberal and recently changed my first choice major to political science. If you end up at A&M, then you definitely won’t be alone in your political views. I’ve toured A&M twice and love the community and how nice everyone is. Good luck!