Geneseo Preview Days

<p>Hi, I'm going to the last Geneseo preview day and I'm wondering what goes on during the day. Is it worth going even though I'm likely going to choose this school? Help from past go-ers?!?!</p>

<p>Absolute middle of no where, campus is nice thoughbut then again It smelled like pooooop when I went. Both days.</p>

<p>Hmmmm…Geneseo is definitely rural, but we did not smell anything like poop (cow manure?) the two times we visited. We most recently visited on a Preview Day last week. There was a mock class for the students to attend, which my D didn’t find too helpful. At the same time, parents attended a talk about the GOLD program, which is a very interesting leadership program. The talk was great, and several parents with whom I spoke agreed that the talk would have been beneficial for the students, as well. Next, parents and students were reunited for a campus tour. Then divided again for lunch. After lunch…I don’t remember doing anything else. </p>

<p>I brought my D, who is still in deciding mode, and her friend, who was certain that she was going to Geneseo. For her friend, it mainly served the purpose of getting excited and buying some Geneseo gear. For my D, it gave her another look, which she felt she needed in order to make her decision. So, if you are certain you are choosing Geneseo, I’m not sure you NEED to go, but you might WANT to go. </p>

<p>Regarding the rural locale. For some, a rural experience would be difficult. For others, it is great. We are from NYC, and both of my Ds sought out colleges in rural locations. It’s not a good or bad thing, just a personal preference that can be respected.</p>

<p>SharonSUNY, if you don’t want to go to Geneseo then don’t go… please don’t say it’s in the middle of no where (45 minutes from Rochester is not the middle of no where) and it smells like “poooooop”</p>

<p>GCmom if you daughter does come here I would encourage her to attend the GOLD workshops. I’ve completed 4 certificates so far and it’s one of the best decisions I’ve made. Other than looking great on a resume I’ve learned a lot about styles of leadership, social issues, and skills like job interviewing and cover letter writing.</p>

<p>dramaqueen if you’re definitely going here I wouldn’t waste your time. Orientation in the summer is pretty similar to the preview days as far as tours and mock classes and learning more about your major</p>