Geneseo Transfer

<p>Hi, I'm hoping to transfer to Geneseo in the Spring to take the speech pathology program and I'm extremely nervous about being accepted. I've completed a year in community college and I've taken 29 classes so far. My gpa is 3.9 and I've gotten all A's except three A-'s. I joined Phi Theta Kappa and made Dean's list both semesters, and I'm taking 16 more credits in the fall. I know that it is easier to transfer into Geneseo than it is to get in right ot of high school, but I'm wondering how much high school grades weigh into it. My high school grades were very low, although I did really well on all Regents tests, ELA, etc. I guess my question is whether or not I'll be able to get in with poor high school grades. If anyone else has transfered there or knows anything about the transfer process I'd appreciate your input! Thanks</p>