Transferring to Geneseo

<p>Hi everyone! I am new to this site and have recently been accepted to Geneseo. I am currently going to a community college and plan on transferring in the fall to be a psychology major. Anyone else starting Geneseo in the fall? Or already there who has some advice, etc?</p>

<p>If you don’t mind me asking, could post your stats? I also applied to SUNY Geneseo as a transfer psychology student; however, i’m stilling waiting to hear back from them. I just sent in my mid-semester grades.</p>

<p>I posted some of it, I don’t really have the patience to do it all right now lol. If you have specific questions that I didn’t answer just ask me. It took a month for me to hear back from them so don’t worry if you don’t hear for a little while. What are your stats? Sorry if you have your stats profile set up, I’m new to the site and don’t know how to see everything.</p>