Geneseo vs. Binghamton writing

<p>My son has been accepted to Gen & Bing. His primary interest is to study creative writing/screenwriting/playwriting. Does anyone have any advice as to which program may be best suited to this area of interest? Thanks for your help!</p>

<p>The English Department at Geneseo is top notch. Many of my friends were English majors some were a dual major. Julia Walker as well as other professors are just amazing!!</p>

<p>I know there is a Creative Writing concentration with a couple of classes offered in screenwriting. Also, a minor in film or a double Major in Communication studies is another option (i.e. journalism, broadcast stuff). </p>

<p>The President of the college is also a faculty member in the Department. </p>

<p>Here is a link to the Department. The college is currently redesigning their webpage so hopefully more information will become available online in the near future. </p>

<p>[url=<a href=""&gt;;/a> </p>

<p>My best friend who is a teacher and alumni of Geneseo highly recommends the department and programs. </p>

<p>Don't know much about Bing writing program.</p>

<p>Thanks for your help. It sounds like an excellent department.</p>

<p>Both are great options and I know folks who graduated from either school who have done well. The big difference is the environment and I think that is the more important issue in picking between the two. Geneseo is a small LAC in an out of the way place. Think Bowdoin, Hamilton, etc. Binghamton is in a city, though not a big one and is a university. A small university but much busier than an LAC.</p>