Hi, my name is John and I´m a freshman in High School. Currently, I am in the lowest classest possible (All CP, Environmental Science and Algebra I).
I´m getting into US History 1 Honors next year because I scored a 93 1st MP, 95 2nd MP, and 90 on my mid-term.
I really love math and algebra. I find it very interesting, fun, and enjoy solving equations. Currently, I have a 97 Algebra I average. I got a 96 1st MP, 98 2nd MP, and a 99 on my mid-term.
I am thinking of doubling up so that I can get ahead a bit and be with my grade level (a lot of my grade is currently taking Geometry). I was wondering if I am capable of taking both classes at the same time. I am highly considering it, but I am wondering if there is any overlapping at all. In addition, would it be too much work?
Hey! I’m currently doing geometry and it’s really fun and interesting, and doesn’t even feel much like a class. It’s very different than algebra and it might even help you with it. If you don’t want to double up next year, you can also do geometry over the summer (if your school would let you). Good luck!!
It’s doable! I did the same thing and I was alright. A lot of it depends on your teachers, so try asking people who are taking those classes now. There’s not a lot of overlapping. The only things I can remember are that we started learning conics in Algebra before we did the equation of a circle in Geometry, and we started trig stuff before we learned more basic trig stuff in Geometry. It wasn’t really that much work for me, but that’s only because my Geometry teacher never checked homework (but assigned a ton) and my Algebra teacher usually only gave us a worksheet every night. if you want to take AP Calc in high school, this is probably the best (and maybe only) way. Good luck!
Edit: I’d also like to add that learning Algebra at the time helped me in Geometry. For most of the year, you pretty much just do arithmetic and plug numbers into a calculator. We had to solve a quadratic once and a lot of people had forgotten how since Algebra 1. Having a gap in between Algebra 1 and Algebra 2 might make you forget a lot, so you might be ahead of some of the Algebra 2 kids 
Since you really love math and are doing well in it so far, it shouldn’t be too much work to take both Geo and Alg 2.
Thank you! I think I´m going to double up. It is the only way for me to get into Calc. I can´t take core courses over the summer (so no Geometry), and the only year I can double up is next year. I am really excited for taking the classes, especially Algebra 2! Did you find Algebra 2 H hard? I think Algebra 1 is really easy, but then again it is just the basics of Algebra. Also, I heard that if you are really good at Algebra, you may struggle with Geoemetry. Did you find Geometry hard at times? Also, did you find that Geometry was kind of ¨getting in the way¨ of your Algebra 2 work. Like in my point of view, I´d rather get an A+ in Alg.2 H and a B- in Geometry, then a B+ in both subjects.