George Washington U. Class of 2027 Official Thread

I downloaded but you have to add sign up with a photo

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Thanks for trying!

For some reason, my checklist came back. Is this the case for anyone else?

no, mine is still gone.


We’ve been told Admit days will be every Monday and Friday in April plus April 15. However, the ED admits have already been given access to register for the days the first week of April.


First Admitted Student day in April 3rd, registration was sent to ED admitted students. With future dates TBA.

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found something. inspect element on your portal website and search admitted.

considering theres offer accepted/declined and reply to offer, i think it’s a decent sign. the second item labeled admission is the green icon: app-admitted-img


Mine has a link to start a new application???

in the elements tab? i think that’s basic

But I have the same inspect elements as you- I see things to accept/decline my offer and view decision letter

think its just a generic script for what the website should show if a student gets accepted (.js file) and if you check the actual file, its mostly code

need to see if someone DOESN’T have it (you can check by loading the checklist, opening inspect element and searching for “appAdmitted.js”)

oh, interesting. i do not see that on my app.

Well it disappeared after logging in again so I guess we shouldn’t put too much stock in it haha

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my checklist still has not disappeared


it looks generic

mine has the same scripts

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Does anyone know if the portal will update with a decision or do they only email the decisions? Its is not really clear on the next steps tab in the portal.

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I believe that it will update in the portal, and later you’ll get an email

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I am hoping there is another date first week of April


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