George Washington U. Class of 2027 Official Thread

The presidential scholarship is awarded up to 5 years. I have never seen 5 years (just 4). interesting…


yeah the financial aid site says “no award information is available at this time” for 2023/24


got in for the spring semester


Daughter was accepted in Maryland to Corcoran for Art

  • 1560 SAT
  • 4.0uw gpa, all 5s on APs
  • Regional, national, and international awards for art
  • choir kid with 2 performance tours in Europe + other ECs
  • College Board National Hispanic Recognition Program
  • part time job
  • $25K scholarship

Whew - we are DONE with waiting for college decisions. Now we wait for my daughter to make her decision on where to commit!!

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Son accepted with $20k/year.

That was the last one. Hoping he makes a decision soon!

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D23 accepted - $25K per year scholarship. 1530 SAT, 4.78 weighted GPA, varsity athlete, really great essays. If anyone sees when admitted student days are officially, can you post here?

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waitlisted for polisci, 4.15 gpa, worked with numerous politicians, interned with social justice groups, 4 honors societies, polish school for 13 years, president of 4 clubs, worked as pharmtech/barista part time

Invited to Paris Scholars Program- First year in Paris at AUP then to DC for the remaining 3 years. Any others on here with this?


Oh my younger daughter would LOVE this - did she have to apply separately for it?

check on Next Steps - it gives you the ability to sign up for accepted students days.


Called financial aid and was told financial aid package will be a separate email from decision email in “coming weeks”… I thought for RD, all came together.


portal is completely blank for me for some reason, track my app tab shows nothing

so confused rn


Son accepted college of engineering, Presidential Scholarship $30k/year

4.0 unweighted, 1560 SAT, 35 ACT, AP Scholar with all 5’s. Unique EC’s, assuming great letters of recommendation


My daughter was accepted for CS (School of Engineering and Applied Science) with a $25,000 Presidential Scholarship.
Stats WGPA 4.36 SAT 1450 a few consistent EC

She’s very happy after 3 declines in a row.


Daughter was accepted to College of Arts & Sciences
1470 SAT, 97 GPA, lots of ECs.
20K Presidential Scholarship - waiting to hear about financial aid.

Accepted for Political Science (Columbian College of Arts and Sciences) with a $13K Presidential Scholarship
Weighted GPA of 99.09, SAT 1310, 6 APS, 1 Dual Enrollment Course
Interned for NYS Senate Majority Leader, interned at a law office, worked a part-time job, and served as US Senate Page + other clubs/activites in school


My son was accepted for engineering with a 45k per year scholarship. Amazing. GW was, without question, his favorite campus. Still waiting for 1 school and a scholarship at another. Then need to compare the $$$. Really happy for him.

His stats 1540 SAT, 4+ gpa, 7 APs (all 5s so far). Many leadership roles.

Hopefully he’ll be GW2027.


My daughter just got accepted this year to GW straight but my son, last year, is just completing his last month and a half in the Paris Program. Message me and I can give you all of the information!

Daughter was rejected. This was the last school on her list to release decisions and it’s her first rejection! She’s not upset since she’s happy with her options and probably wouldn’t go to GW if she was admitted. But is somewhat surprised she was rejected. This admission cycle seems to have no rhyme or reason. Congrats to everyone admitted!!


I got this as well… is this any good?

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