George Washington University

Hey Everyone,

My first choice is the School of Foreign Service at Georgetown, but I am not sure if I will get in so I am considering other schools with good foreign affairs programs.

I would love to go to school in DC, and GWU is the only other DC school I would consider going to. I’ve toured it, but I am not totally sure how I feel about the campus. Do students that go here wish that had a traditional college experience, or does being in the middle of DC offset that?

I absolutely loved GW when I toured it, but after I left I started thinking and now I am just not sure if I would really want to be on a campus like that.

Also, how likely is it that I would get money from the school? Here is my chance thread if that helps:

All feedback is appreciated!



GW is not for everyone, but you have to really want the Urban feel. If you dont want the full Urban feel you can live on the Mount Vernon campus, that has green space. My D loves that she can just walk to the national mall, monuments, museums, and such. she fell in love with the campus being right in the city. She got Merit aide and her stats were not too far off from yours, so its very possible. I think they give merit sometimes in lieu of needs based so your EFC, and so on, might play a factor. From everyone I talk to, they seem to be very fair with the money.

@randomstudent789 Your stats look great, and I think that you’d be a match for GW. My caution, however, is to make sure you tailor your essay for GW and don’t submit anything generic (which is tempting when applying to lots of schools.)

With respect to the campus, @sdl0625 is right in that the urban campus for G.W. isn’t for everyone. I’m sure that just about everyone that attends GW loves that campus atmosphere and didn’t apply hoping for a “traditional” experience. If you’re unsure, think about it long and hard. It’s definitely a different type of lifestyle, and it’s a long time and lots of money to spend on something you don’t love.

Also if you get accepted, there will be accepted students days in April to reattend. I know several people who came that day and then decided it wasnt for them, and others who decided yes. (kids my D met that day). By then you will also have the financial information, and know all the schools you were accepted to. I know the next 4+ months are going to be a very long wait. We went through this last year.

@sdl0625 @NHuffer Thanks for the insight!

I loved, loved, loved my time at GW. I wanted an urban campus, never felt that I missed out on a more traditional campus. Once you are at GW the entire area is your campus…even if it looks like a city! I attended back before the Mount Vernon campus was part of GW so I can’t speak as to how that might add to the experience.

GW tends to be very generous with merit to people who have stats above their average. They are a school always eager to improve themselves.