Georgetown Admissions Fall 2022

rejected SFS
applied EA and was deferred
GPA: 3.8 (unweighted)
ACT: 33
AP: 5, 4, 4
Speaks 4 languages (including Russian) and did a summer program at SFS

oh and 9/9 on my interview

Waitlisted (Deferred Early)

Out-of-State (Virginia)

4.63 Weighted GPA/4.0 Un-Weighted GPA

1570 SAT (13 APs: 6x 5, 1x 4, 6x In-Progress)

Extra-Curriculars: F.B.L.A. President, Class President, Debate Captain, Non-Profit Founder, Model U.N. Delegate + More

Awards: 2x State Debate Champion, 2x State F.B.L.A. Champion, National Merit Recipient (Finalist in LoCI), AP Scholar w/ Distinction + More

Major: Business and Global Affairs? (McDonough)

Financial Aid: Kinda Need-Based

Demographic: Asian-American Male

Waitlist :no_mouth: I’m blaming my bad interview…

All applicants get interviewed.


I did not get an interview- they informed me of this before I even submitted my application due to lack of interviewers in my area.
Congrats to everybody!!


How did you find that out? Is the interview score on the portal.

Naaa. This is a numbers game. My son had a great interview but the fact that he hasn’t comes running downstairs says it all. Not top shelf enough. He is on my top shelf though and that is good enough. Congrats to all Seniors. You will find your home.


Please share stats

rejected :frowning_face:

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Impressive stats! You must have many other good options!

It’s actually not me - my son was admitted. I’ll ask him.

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Waitlisted too :disappointed:

What does it mean by numbers game? Just curious

D22 Accepted to Business. 3.96 UW, 4.69 W, 35 ACT, Decent ECs and Essays


our son is a current sophomore at Georgetown - he was waitlisted after applying RD - he was asked at least 3 times if he wanted to stay on the waitlist - he continued to stay on the waitlist - he was also on Columbia waitlist to the end

he had actually deposited at another school - and in August - late August - he was offered a spot at G-Town

all this to say - take the waitlist - stay on the waitlist - continue to report updates and have new recommenders recommend you - it seems from our experience that they use their waitlist as a way to continue to shape their class - try to make contact with the admissions rep for your area

they do continue to tell you if you have any further updates or recs that you can share them - it was kind of infuriating - but he is very happy there and the insane covid year that he applied was frustrating all around - just thought I’d share what the waitlist experience was 2 cycles ago


DD accepted into SFS. She’s in shock!!!


Looks like they fixed that glitch from EA. Even admitted students don’t have access to the portal yet.


For applicants next year, I was NOT able to access my accepted portal even after I received my letter of acceptance! It is NOT an indicator.