Georgetown Admissions Fall 2022

For those admitted: what was the acceptance rate? (I believe on the letter it notes how many students applied this year and how many were accepted!)


It doesn’t say how many accepted. 26,650 applications, 1,600 spots. That’s 6% but doesn’t account for yield, so must be more acceptances than that.


D22 Accepted School of Foreign Service. 4.0 UW, not sure W. 35ACT

Anyone have a schedule for the open house that’s on April 8th & 9th? We can’t seem to access the portal (just says “denied”) and have difficult/challenging flight arrangements we’d need to book now to get there. Would really like to know schedule on the 8th.

Thank you!


last year the acceptance rate was 11.7% - lowest ever - they had 27,650 apps last year

this year they have 26,750 - last year they accepted 3226 to yield 1600

so that puts this year’s acceptance rate at 12%

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35 ACT, 3.89 UW (4.0 scale), applied to college for Political Economy with HEAVY political extra-curriculars and got rejected. Should I be suprised?

Daughter Accepted!


35 ACT, 3.89 UW (4.0 scale), applied to college for Political Economy with HEAVY political extra-curriculars and got rejected. Should I be surprised?

Same stats also accepted to SFS. Congrats to those accepted!


D waitlisted. 4.0, very strong ECs, applied Government major. She’s had 5 waitlists, 6 acceptances and 1 more decision to go. Unsure if she will accept a spot here or not.

Similar, son was also waitlisted with 34/1500 and a 3.8 at a very competitive HS. Accepted at 7, but only one that he’s excited about (Michigan). On 8 other waitlists already! Feels like the waitlist is the theme of this year.

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Agree about waitlists. Can’t imagine the chain reaction after May 1! Luckily my daughter is very excited about several of her schools — but still a very uncertain year.


My son was accepted and also can’t access the portal. Hopefully that is fixed soon so we can make plans to visit on one of the accept students days.


Congrats irinatdk! Please share your SAT score and uW GPA. Thanks.

Congrats Mommabear1! Please share your SAT score and uW GPA. Thanks.

Congrats Sodoemsma! Please share your SAT score and uW GPA. Thanks.

Any idea whatsoever when financial aid will be released? It only said “in the coming days.” As exciting as this is it won’t be a reality if it’s not affordable.

Daughter accepted to SFS!! Very very surprised and happy.

Congratulations to all accepted.


4.0/4.0 Uw GPA 1590 SAT accepted! McDonough


Accepted Stats

Top Private School in the state
Top 40 Private School in the Country

1550 SAT
Full IB Diploma
The school only has 3 AP classes since it’s a full IB Diploma School
AP Calc AB taken in 9th grade - AP Score 5
AP Calc BC taken in 10th grade - AP Score 5
AP US Hist - AP Score 4
Only if chance to take one SAT Subject test due to the pandemic and discontinuation of subject test. SAT Math 2 taken after 9th grade - score 790

Lots of EC, and leadership roles.
Dance for 12 years and now a full time instructor for 2 classes
Tutored younger kids for math
Summer job
Summer internships last year in person but before last year online
Sports, clubs and leadership in clubs