Georgetown Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

OMG She wrote an essay about singing in the car :flushed:

no way i need to read it now :joy:


wow that’s really impressive! glad she’s happy where she ended up :slight_smile:

I’ll aak if she’ll let me share

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Yes!! did you run xc too?

how many pages did you guys have for your resume? i just put two because i was overthinking and thought doing more than two was too much. now i regret it😭

For my stats… I’m a bit reluctant to post since I will 100% be revealing myself if anyone I know ever sees this lol, but I honestly don’t care anymore:
4.0 UW/4.5 W (Weighted keeps going up…it’s a shame my first term grades won’t be considered for EA)
1570 SAT (780 reading, 790 math—taken once, freshman year)
9 APs. 6 tests so far, 5x5 and 1x4 (darn APUSH)
ECs are a jumble of a bunch of different volunteering projects (NHS leadership too), XC/Track (w/ captain/leadership stuff), and then some school/local government stuff (it’s not the beefiest list, but there’s a lot of depth to everything)


LOL I only did one because I wanted to try and make it as efficient as possible.

I think mine was 4 but it was because i’ve done a lot of volunteering + different research + sports

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ah okay! by the way, your stats are impressive!! good luck to you!!


nvm i checked and it’s 3

mine was 1.5 pages since i didn’t want to annoy them too much.

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Does everyone still have all their checklist items showing up on their portal?

ty! I definitely feel good about my stats, just need to hope that my passion for my ECs shines through


idk if it’s just me but I feel like we’ve all just decided that results are coming out at 4 EST but Georgetown hasn’t, so everyone’s going to be sad then because we made up a result time in our heads lol.

it would fit with the vibe of this thread lol

no absolutely… i fee like that’s probably going to happen

hey y’all, would anyone be willing to call the admissions office and ask? they’re probably not open but always worth it to try