Georgetown Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

(And BTW, I’ve been taking a screenshot of my portal every morning so I can analyze/compare them every day and see if there are any changes)


I totally get how everyone is feeling! I am feeling the same degree of anxiety. It helps to focus on my upcoming finals, hang out with friends, and also remind myself that I am not more or less worthy based on this decision.

also, is anyone else on this threat also applying to Notre Dame REA?

yes I applied!

I didn’t. My other early schools were UNC (which is almost as selective as Georgetown for OOS students lol), UVA, Richmond, Villanova, and Fordham (decisions also coming out soon for that one!!).

no literally everyone knows I want to go to Georgetown, it is my first choice and I am in love with the school. But at the end of the day, you will go to a good school regardless and things happen for a reason. Rejection is redirection.

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Luckily, life has interfered with my stress and I have a final research essay due early next week, a unit test in another class (for a very bulky unit), and a bunch of smaller assignments that I have to get done before winter break. Basically, compounding my stress with a different form of stress (but it’s nice to have “distractions” haha)

omg yes for EA I did Georgetown, Notre Dame, Fordham, Tulane, Caltech, and UVA

Also I have a feeling less people applied to Georgetown this year just because I have not seen people talking about it plus it isn’t test optional like most schools this year

Honestly that’s my guess too. ED/EA applications are up at a whole bunch of other schools, but I think Georgetown is going to buck the trend for the reason you mentioned. Also, the relative weight of AP tests on the application might throw people off because I know a lot of people at my school didn’t take AP tests or didn’t do well on them last year (we were online for basically the entire year). If there’s one school that actually might see a drop in applicants, I think it might be Georgetown.

No yeah i saw on tiktok with people commenting how they wanted to apply but would not anymore because of the SAT score requirement

Haha that’s quite the list. Personally, I absolutely loved UVA’s campus when I walked around there. The most unique/vibrant campus I saw, and that was without any students there.

is it nice? i come from California so i have not visited a lot of schools in the East Coast, just a couple

I am so thankful that I took the SAT before COVID because all of my friends who are seniors this year and even some who were seniors last year had such a hard time finding testing locations. They all eventually got to take the test, but there were a lot of moderately-long drives and quite a few test center cancellations.

Yeah it’s super nice, I felt like it had a lot of unique natural features while also having super cool architecture and interesting buildings.

I live in a rural area so it was super hard to take my SAT smh

no I’ve seen pictures and the school looks super nice

Yeah I can imagine (especially in CA, which I’m guessing had a good amount of test cancellations/hiccups too). For me, test scores are definitely a major strength in my application which I really hope is something that influences the Georgetown readers.

Mine is alright, its not the best but I feel that my essays and volunteering/science research will help me I hope

yeah no everything got cancelled and even now some get cancelled still