Georgetown School of Foreign Service

US Citizen
Southern California
Public High School
Female, White
High School Junior
Athlete, multi-lingual, leadership

Major: International Politics (IPOL)
Minor(s): German + Arabic

GPA: 3.91 UW, 4.6 W (4.0 scale)
Rank: top 15% (high school doesn’t do individual ranks)
Test Scores: TBD

AP Classes: AP European History, AP Art History, AP US History, AP Language and Comp, AP Computer Science, AP Human Geography, AP Biology

Scores for tests taken: AP European History (4), AP Art History (3)

Dual Enrollment Courses Taken: Calculus, World History, Globalization, Global Issues, Cybersecurity, Arab Studies, German Studies, International Political Theorem, Peace Studies

Languages Spoken: Farsi, Pashto, German (3rd year at school), Arabic (first year)

Level of Math: currently in Calculus and I intend to go up to AP Stats in my senior year.

Unusual Extracurriculars: Founder of districtwide bipartisan student initiative encompassed the participation and following of over 300 students and administrative forces. The student initiative aims to observe foreign policy tactics, critique the rights and wrongs of past geopolitical events, and observe the impact of policy-related movements in varied domains while demonstrating all research and advocation in an organized fashion on social media.


Torch of Excellence (3x recipient): Rewarded to one sole student in each subject offered at Tesoro High School on the basis of academic acheivment and excellence. Subjects earned: AP World History, Mathematics Department, Honors English 1, Awarded June 2020.

3x Recipient of the Best Delegate award for Model United Nations (UC BERKLEY, Santa Margarita Catholic School, UC Irvine)

5x Recipient of Research Award for Model United Nations (most notable are from UC Berkeley and UC Irvine)

Rotary Districtwide Speech Contest: First place award recipient for a speech performed on the topic of “Serving to Change Lives” alongside over fifty students, Awarded March 2022.

Merit Scholarship for NSLIY: awarded on behalf of US STATE DEPARTMENT

3rd Place Claremont University University Speech Contest: Ranked third out of 127 participants debating the ethics and morality of genetic modification, globalization, and the Critical Race Theory.

President of 4 Clubs: Model United Nations, Free Minds Society (self started), Speech & Debate, Surfrider Foundation

Club Basketball for 10 years onward

Other in-school activities: PTSA VP, Co-Editor of school newspaper, CSF, NHS, Team Captain of Girls Basketball (JV Team Captain 9th Grade, Varsity Team Captain 10th Grade), CSF

American University High School Summer Scholars Program

Legislative Intern for Congressman Mike Levin

Awarded Merit-Based competitive scholarship on behalf of the US State Dep to study abroad in Morocco and learn Arabic (National Security Initiative for Youth)

Sole Student Board Member on local United Nations Association

Research Intern for UCI School of Social Sciences

Past: Rishi Kumar for Congress Intern (6 months), Kansen Chu for State Assembly Intern (5 months), Brian Maryott for Congress Intern (1 year)


  • Professor at UCI School of Social Sciences who I avidly work with at my internship
  • Mir Sadat- (policy director at National Security Council and Adjunct Professor at Georgetown SFS
  • Thomas West potential recommender (US Diplomat to South Asia via U.S. Department of State)
  • Teacher who I’ve been a student of for approx 4 years (knows me very well)

Cost Constraints / Budget
Median/Mean price for Georgetown work well with my household

NA— still finalizing and I will attach later on.

Personal comment: I haven’t talked to any professional individuals about my chances about getting into Georgetown SFS, so I’m in the dark completely. This is my dream school. As a whole, Georgetown aims to accept the “whole person” but I am not sure if this is a word that exemplifies me or not. Currently, I’m getting into contact with an admissions officer to clear up my questions.

Thank you!

it’s hard to say. what is your current course load? it seems like you are taking 5 AP’s, plus calc, plus German, plus Arabic?

and as a high school junior you already have had 5 internships?
with LOR’s from important political profs and diplomats?

it all just seems a bit much. I would definitely try to focus this list of EC’s down to a more normal level: the current research internship, co-editing school newspaper, multiple language skills- this seems like plenty already. and I don’t understand the unusual extracurricular you describe, the bipartisan student initiative.

I see the path you are trying to take, I think, and I see why you and Georgetown would likely be a fit for each other, and you will probably have a good chance, but you are going to need some advising and editing. Also- test scores. Georgetown wants to see ALL of them.

The mean/median price is completely irrelevant: what matters is what the price will be for your household. Have you/your family run the NPC carefully?

If you have not worked directly with these two people, in such a way that they can add information as to your strengths as a student, don’t bother. All colleges get lots of LoRs that say some version of ‘This is an admirable young person who will benefit from the school and will do you proud’ from people who the applicant thinks will impress the admissions officer. It won’t. SFS is tripping over applicants with all kinds of connections.

I have absolutely no idea what this means, but it sounds like a foreign policy club that runs a website or posts blogs on IR-type topics. The past tense (‘encompassed’) makes me wonder if this was a one-off or a continuing effort? Also, what is ‘administrative forces’?

Otherwise your application looks like a classic SFS application, and the only wild card is the standardized testing. Assuming that your scores come in within the middle 50% of accepted students you are a credible candidate- which for a school that rejects 85% of their applicants is as good as it gets.

Are you looking at the other usual suspects? JHU (esp the 5 year JHU BA/MA SAIS), Elliott, Fletcher, SIS? People who are in love with SFS often look down on Elliott, but it has a hidden ace: it is better for in-term internships than GU or AU. SIS will want you to show them love (the summer course you took is a good start, but make sure you keep it up).


I believe the State Department scholarship and NSLI-Y summer are the same activity? What year did you do NSLI? Summer or online? You should assume Georgetown is very familiar with this program.

Georgetown does require all applicants submit a test score.

Good luck, you look like a strong candidate.

From what we have been advised by professionals and our own experience, Georgetown cares a lot about SAT/ACT scores. The AO there beats to their own drum (see eg individual app). You will need to check that box at a 33-34 ACT equivalent to get any comfort. Where are you in your testing?

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I am not sure what you mean by this statement. As a Jesuit university, part of Georgetown’s educational philosophy is built on the Ignatian concept of cura personalis - care for the whole person. I am confused by why you’re not sure if it applies to you. The very nature of the concept means that it applies to everyone. If you haven’t already, you might want to read up a bit on Jesuit education before applying.

If these people do not know you well - meaning you have not actually worked closely with them - please don’t do this. GU will not be impressed by your connections, unless there is something more substantial underpinning them (such as working directly for them, collaborating closely on a research project together, etc).


What does this mean?

Most selective colleges want your LORs to be from academics teachers with the usual request to be one stem and one non-stem. The purpose of the LORs is to describe what type of student your are. While your list of LORs is impressive, most schools will only accept one extra in addition to the two from teachers.

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Yes be careful if you are looking at the CDS at median prices. There are students getting full rides and students getting zero dollars. You need to run the NPC on the Georgetown site to get an idea of your EFC.


If you look at Georgetown CDS, 85% of admitted students are in the top 10% of the class. Of course many schools no longer rank students, but it’s pretty important to be a top student otherwise.

I agree with the advice given above. You certainly are the type of applicant that could end up accepted; the competition is very stiff though, and you should make sure you have a list of schools that include schools that are extremely likely to 1) accept you, 2) be affordable, and 3) be a school that you would be happy to attend.

For Georgetown and any school you are seriously considering, make sure your family runs the Net Price Calculator (NPC) to see if it will be affordable.

As you develop a list of schools to apply to, this list may be helpful:

Additionally, with your Farsi skills and current learning of Arabic, you might be interested in this list of schools with stronger Middle Eastern programs that I worked on for another student recently. The numbers by each school were the number of Middle Eastern studies majors in the most recent year available in College Navigator (the feds’ site).

And in case you are giving any thought to which UCs you want to apply to, this was the number of Middle Eastern studies majors at each UC:

  • Berkeley: 1, 3 Master’s, 1 PhD
  • Davis: 3
  • Irvine: 2
  • Los Angeles: 5
  • Riverside: 1
  • Santa Barbara: 4

If you would like any assistance in creating a list of additional matches, likelies, etc, please let us know. If so, it’d be great to share what you’re looking for in a college and what your budget is.

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I am currently taking five AP’s in my junior year, I took 2 in my sophomore year, and I plan to take 7 in my senior year of high school.

Thank you.


I contacted my academic advisor, and according to her, I am in the top 10% of my class. If I maintain this position, do you believe this is suitable?


Just ran out the NPC according to my household’s financial makings, and my parents fully agreed that they can financially support Georgetown.

Aside from this, I am applying to the Army ROTC program which will surely boost my chances of having mitigated financial payment if I’m correct?

I’ve thought about ROTC for a while, and I do believe that this is a very smart option in terms of the field I wish to go in.


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I plan to get LORs from three high school teachers (Foreign Language Teacher, History Teacher, and Biology Teacher) who all know me well! Alongside this is where I may or may not include the LORs from the people specified above.

Thank you.


I plan to get LORs from three high school teachers (Foreign Language Teacher, History Teacher, and Biology Teacher) who all know me well! Alongside this is where I may or may not include the LORs from the people specified above.

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I got into NSLI-Y summer and I previously participated in Virtual NSLI-Y.

I will continue studying my foreign languages through high school to ensure I ace the tests.

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I scored a 35 three times consecutively on my practice ACT exams, and I believe that I will maintain this when taking my real test in May.

Thank you.


Thank you for your reply.

The student initiative works like this:
It started as a club at my school, but once it gained a lot of attraction, I started branching out to other high schools in my congressional district. I’ve spoken at school district meetings, and I’ve gotten 4 other schools and their students active in the research and advocacy processes. Alongside this, I have teachers and other high districts powers working with me to integrate a larger system of bipartisan advocacy in my congressional district.

I have heard from counselors and test prep professionals that it is not uncommon for the first ACT to be up to 3 points less than the practice tests due to the different ecology of the test.