Georgetown U Reputation

<p>I live in Texas and I was accepted into Georgetown University SFS (which was my number one choice :)). But when I told my parents that it was my dream school they were puzzled. I'm from an immigrant family and the only schools they've heard of was Harvard and Yale. They were a bit disappointed when I said I wasn't even going to apply to those schools (I don't have the stats).</p>

<p>Even some of the students in my school have no idea where Georgetown was. I think it has to do with the fact the Georgetown doesn't have as big of a reputation in the mid west. </p>

<p>So how is Georgetown looked at in the East coast? And how can I convince my parents that it is a great school for me?</p>

<p>Georgetown is among the most prestigious Catholic universities in the world.</p>

<p>Among the well-educated and powerful elite, and among the poorest and wealthiest Catholic families, it is very well-respected.</p>

<p>You don’t have to convince your parents–unless they refuse to pay your tuition–but you can rest assured that every top college student, scholar in academia, and important employer will have heard of Georgetown SFS.</p>

<p>Just tell them Bill Clinton went there for his undergraduate education.</p>

<p>Show them this article from Time Magazine back in the 60s when it was featured as one of the best Catholic colleges in the country. [BEST</a> CATHOLIC COLLEGES - TIME](<a href=“,9171,938328,00.html]BEST”>,9171,938328,00.html)</p>

<p>SFS is the best of its class. Many of my friends here at Harvard almost choose to go there instead.</p>

<p>Patrick Ewing made the place famous!</p>

<p>I lived in DC for 16 years and it’s pretty prestigious down there. But then again, a lot of people in DC went to really prestigious schools and have grad degrees. So if you’re hoping that the prestige will land you a job, I wouldn’t count on it. You could probably get nice internships though because it’s the best school in the area.</p>

<p>ok thank you guys</p>