Georgetown University Early Action 2014

<p>Ive been frantically checking here to see if any of our east coast mates have gotten word yet…post as soon as you do on here!!!</p>

<p>Hahaha and PA is the home of the USPS - they should be on their game, gc414!</p>

<p>Woah I feel so useful haha. I’m from MD, so as sooonnn as I see that letter I will post! Again, good luck everyone, try not to take it too seriously! :)</p>

<p>How long does it take for mail to get to ppl’s homes in MD? couple hours?</p>

<p>Oh i didn’t even know that!! Then they should DEFINITELY know where the letter is. :D</p>

<p>I wish gtown would do this stuff online :frowning: i feel like i’m waiting for a telegram, or a message in morse code, compared to my other friends being able to check online.</p>

<p>i applied to SFS</p>

<p>I’m just hoping the mail comes early to NoVA today. Every time I hear a mail truck I want to check my mail, though it hasn’t come yet.</p>

<p>Haha I actually think ripping open that letter to find out decisions is more exciting that just clicking on a link ;)</p>

<p>massachusetts…today or monday?</p>

<p>I’d say monday, I mean those in the DC area may not even get them today if the rumor about them being sent late in the day on friday is true.</p>

<p>i live in northern virginia, and my mail usually comes before 12pm so i’ll let you guys know within the hour if i get the letter! ahhhhh :)</p>

<p>international students!!! When???
I’m dying to find out. May be I should shut down my internet connection and devote myself to my supplements until Dec 15th.</p>

<p>hahaha i made an account for cc exclusively to comment on this thread-- i’ve been religiously checking it but never actually made an account but now i just cant contain myself!!! i’m so nervous!!</p>

<p>it came!!! good luck everyone :)</p>

<p>Good luck soscurred!!! We’re all rooting for you & everyone near DC!!!</p>

<p>What? The mail came? What?</p>

<p>Wait are you serious? So DC area definitely gets the letters today? Now I’m so excited!! Are you from DC, MD, or NoVa? Hopefully it doesn’t make a difference.</p>


<p>Will NY get it?</p>

<p>i’m going downstairs to check everyone! i’m in md!</p>

<p>Good luck!</p>

<p>Soscurred, you got your decision??? Good luck!!!</p>