Georgetown University Early Action 2014

<p>ahha lol. definitely a requirement for rooming conmigo. (and you have to put up with my chinanglish [mixed chinese english spanish] a lot, i’m barely fluent in either of them lmao).</p>

<p>we’ll have to put on the CHARMS thing, has to be a member of the “National Georgetown Bakesale / Deacon’s Army” as a strict requirement too.</p>

<p>god it’s like we read each other’s minds on here!</p>

<p>and it could be either - deacon’s the dean of admissions, so he chose us, but degoia is president of the whole dang thing, soooo… :]</p>

<p>and i applied to sfs, unspecified major. i know specifically what i want to do, but i’m not sure yet what category it falls under.</p>

<p>I’m gonna legit cry tomorrow if I get deferred after all of this. </p>

<p>But if we’re in, yes. How awesome would it be if they could get us all in the same dorm, floor even? I want (demand?) Village C - its new(er) and has private bathrooms.</p>

<p>[YouTube</a> - Get On Your Snuggie?](<a href=“]YouTube”></p>

<p>yes, yes, or yes?</p>

<p>haha i bet you want my textbook. . .it has to be the worst chinese english translation in the world. . . its like if you took all of those terrible fortunes you get + the bad translations on the chopsticks’ wrapper and multiplied that by a million, you’d basically get my book.</p>

<p>really? i thought new south was the newest, or at least, that’s what they told us this summer. even so, they just had a fire in new south so i vote village c all the way.</p>

<p>I roomed in Village C over the summer and it was amazing!!! And after this I’m definitely going to be way more disappointed if my letter brings bad news. Of course the news would be mitigated if it were delivered by an owl… or a slow loris, for that matter haha.</p>

<p>NEW BATHROOMS… first thought, prefect bathroom.</p>

<p>Team ngb snuggies for late night studying/pumpkin pasty breaks [thats supposed to be in all caps but CC changed it to lowercase, grr]</p>

<p>yup, i’ll cry.
BTW, has anyone seen the dorms? i haven’t because on the tour, they told us we couldn’t see them for security purposes. I just want to know if they’re semi-decent.</p>

<p>I am all about the new facilities, I like this idea.</p>

<p>I think the blow is going to be twice as hard now if I get deferred.</p>

<p>PS We COULD call it the DA for short ;)</p>

<p>i saw some pictures on flickr. the rooms themselves are cool, how the person decorated not-so-much</p>

<p>. . . my dog has a snuggie. . . this world’s gone to hell in a handbasket.</p>

<p>@sprite I lived in one for three weeks (in Village C - the West Wing, it was perfect!) and it definitely wasn’t luxurious by any means but the rooms were nice, clean, functional. pretty standard. if we get team snuggies, they should be long and black and have hoods, wizard-style. we’ll be the coolest kids on campus</p>

<p>if the news were delivered via slow loris, i might be able to wait until the fifteenth. but probably not.</p>

<p>also, i feel that snuggies would be an acceptable substitution for hogwarts robes.</p>

<p>YEAHH!!! and it’ll be a different color snuggie for the different college we go to. sfs gets zebra!!</p>

<p>jamiroquai what the heck - are you honestly reading my mind? and when were you there over the summer/for what program? i was just there for a week in july.</p>

<p>WE WILL most certainly be the coolest kids on campus, no competition.
snuggies ~ hogwarts robes. lol.</p>

<p>Okay, in regards to the pumpkin pasties, I have a story that I think you all will appreciate. On the night the HBP came out in theaters, my friend made a bunch of HP themed food, like licorice wands, and pumpkin pasties and butterbeer. COOLEST. FRIEND. EVER.</p>

<p>well the nursing & health studies school gets the cheetah print . … the clear choice for that school lol.</p>