Georgetown v. Alabama Honors

<p>Course fees are around $300 per semester depending on the courses you choose and are not covered by scholarships. One needs approval for an overload starting with the 18th credit, but any additional tuition charges are covered by your scholarship.</p>

<p>Welcome to the UA family and Roll Tide!</p>

Really? There are no overload fees with the NMF package? What about regular course fees? Does the scholarship cover those as well?</p>


<p>No overload fees for those with the NMF or Presidential scholarship…up to 20 credits per semester. But, yes, you will have course fees. Generally, the $1k NMF stipend covers those.</p>

<p>Hi, smoughon7. I’m also a NMF Presidential Scholar who is going to Alabama Honors. Could you give me some more information about the course flexibility you talked about (i.e.- getting a masters degree w/ 2 majors in 4 years)? That sounds really interesting. </p>

<p>Also, I was having the exact same debate as you about 2 weeks ago (only with me it was Alabama Honors vs. Yale). Clearly, I’ve made my decision. No bachelor’s degree is worth being upwards of $100,000 in debt upon graduation. I’ve been doing some research on College Confidential, and it seems like there are a LOT of NMF finalists and overall excellent students coming to UA in the fall. I guess we just had to go where the money was!</p>

<p>The Masters program that he’s talking about is the University Scholars program. </p>

<p>While the program states that you must be invited, we have not found that to be so. Any strong student can go to his advisor and ask to be in the program. If the student has strong/high stats, he’ll likely get into the program.</p>

<p>It also says something about starting senior year, but that must really mean “senior standing”…which for kids with AP credits, that can mean by the end of soph year. Bama is very generous with AP credits, so it’s easy to get to “senior standing” by the end of soph year.</p>

<p>That sounds really great- I’ve stacked up some AP credits, so I might be able to start that early. It would be amazing to get a bachelor’s and master’s degree in 4 years. Thank you for the info!</p>

<p>What AP classes do you have and what scores?</p>

<p>what is your major?</p>

<p>World History (5), US History (5), Language/Composition (5), German (4). I’ll also have Government, Environmental Science, and Literature scores after I take the tests this month. My intended major is either English or Communications. I’ve been looking into UA’s Communications/Information Sciences school, and it looks really promising.</p>



<p>Yup, not even one from Yale. I applaud your insight, aquapoet94.</p>



<p>That was my son’s mantra two years ago. He too is a NMF. Now “the money” is the least of what attracts him to 'Bama. As I previously posted, last Fall he told me, “Knowing what I know now, if every school in the country had offered me a full ride, this is where I’d want to be.”</p>

<p>Welcome, aquapoet94. Enjoy the ride.</p>

<p>BTW, where are you from?</p>

<p>Congrats on your decision, aquapoet94!! </p>

<p>Welcome to Bama, and Roll Tide!!</p>

<p>Thanks, malanai! I really hope I come to enjoy UA as much as your son does- I’m already pretty excited. And I’m from Atlanta, so it won’t be that hard to come home for the holidays.</p>

<p>And thank you casinoexec!</p>

<p>World History (5), US History (5), Language/Composition (5), German (4). I’ll also have Government, Environmental Science, and Literature scores</p>

<p>World History (5), 6 history credits
US History (5), 6 history credits
Language/Composition (5), 6 Frosh Comp credits
German (4). 8 credits</p>

<p>Government, 3 credits (Social Behavioral Science)
Environmental Science, 3 credits (forget which class)
Literature (if you get at least a 4, then you get 3 Lit credits)</p>

<p>So, you’ll have about 34 credits! you’ll have sophomore standing as a frosh. Very good. If you stay on track, you could get your masters! :)</p>

<p>Environmental Science gets credit for GEO 105 (Sustainable Earth).</p>

<p>Wow mom2collegekids, thank you! I had no idea how many credits those AP scores were worth. This is really great. </p>

<p>And thank you malanai for the Environmental Science info.</p>



<p>Like I said, there is so much more to UA than the money. :)</p>

<p>My son came in with 25 credits, which has allowed him to double major without breaking a sweat. (Don’t confuse that with not working his you-know-what off. :wink: )</p>

<p>Son is a NMF and will be attending in the Fall. Is there a limit on the number of AP hours for which a student can receive credit?

<p>It looks like 45 hours.
[University</a> of Alabama Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>Does your S have more than 45 hours? I am not sure how dual enrollment affects the 45 hours.</p>

<p>Son is a NMF and will be attending in the Fall. Is there a limit on the number of AP hours for which a student can receive credit?

<p>Which APs does he have and scores?</p>

<p>If your son has more than 45 credits, the others are still on the transcript (I think) but won’t be used towards one’s degree.</p>

<p>Often kids have “extra” AP credits in certain areas. My kids had too many AP History credits, so if they had come in with more than 45, they would have just not counted the unneeded ones towards their degree. </p>

<p>For instance, my kids took AP Euro and AP US. That’s 4 classes of history credits…12 credits. They only needed 6. So they could have “not counted” the other 6 credits. </p>

<p>Momreads can tell more about how those additional credits are used.</p>

<p>Son’s AP scores through junior year:
Chemistry 3; World History 5; US History 4; Biology 4; English lit/comp 4</p>

<p>This year he is taking Calculus, Physics, Spanish, Econ micro and Macro.</p>

<p>Currently he is planning to major in English.</p>

<p>Thanks for all the help.</p>

<p>Dual enrollment and ap credit are treated as two different things. Dual enrollment credits are “transfer” credits. So you have up to 45 ap credits, and then the dual enrollment you can use on top of that. You are limited on the # of total credits from outside UA, and where those come from. I would have to look it up to give exact info. The grades for dual enrollment DO go on your UA transcript, which can be good or bad!
Sent from my DROID RAZR using CC</p>

<p>*Son’s AP scores through junior year:
Chemistry 3; World History 5; US History 4; Biology 4; English lit/comp 4</p>

<p>This year he is taking Calculus, Physics, Spanish, Econ micro and Macro.</p>

<p>Currently he is planning to major in English.*</p>

<p>Chemistry 3;…4 credits…Chem 104</p>

<p>World History 5;…6 credits </p>

<p>US History 4; …6 credits</p>

<p>Biology 4; …8 credits</p>

<p>English lit/comp 4 6 credits (was this one AP class or two AP classes?)</p>

<p>Calculus, (which one AB or BC). possibly 4 - 8 credits</p>

<p>Physics (which one?) possibly 4 or 8 credits</p>

<p>Spanish…possibly 4 or 8 credits</p>

<p>Econ micro … possibly 3 credits</p>

<p>Econ Macro…possibly 3 credits.</p>

<p>He has 30 credits so far, and with the results of the May exams, he could have 18+ more credits.</p>

<p>If he doesn’t “need” them all, then it’s not really a big issue. For instance, he doesn’t need 12 history credits or that many science credits if he majors in English.</p>