Georgetown v. Alabama Honors

<p>Thanks for the info. I looked at the link regarding AP credits and mapped out his current credits. Hopefully, he will gain more with the senior courses. The prospect of working toward a masters during his 4 years is a huge plus. Also, since he is participating in a collegiate sport it will allow him to possibly take a lighter load as a freshman while acclimating to the demands of his sport and college academics.</p>

<p>He has been at a boarding school for 4 years so hopefully will adjust easily to dorm life.</p>

<p>He is very excited to be going to Alabama!</p>

<p>Congratulations and Roll Tide!!</p>


<p>Congrats on your decision! Believe me, I know how tough it must have been. There are only a rare few who can turn down a school like Yale. Which orientation session do you plan to attend this summer? It would be awesome to meet you before this fall. I should be in Tuscaloosa for the May 25th session.</p>

<p>Below I have copied links to the UA gen ed requirements and AP credit policies. Enjoy exploring. Do you have any dual enrollment credit? UA has been very accommodating in accepting mine.</p>

<p>[University</a> of Alabama Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)
[University</a> of Alabama Undergraduate Catalog 2010-12](<a href=“Page Not Found | The University of Alabama”>Page Not Found | The University of Alabama)</p>

<p>mom2collegekids mentioned that through the University Scholars Program you can work towards a masters degree while still an undergrad. In addition, in my primary major (economics), UA will allow up to 12 hours of graduate level coursework to count towards both a graduate and an undergraduate degree. So instead of taking 30 econ hours for a bachelors and 30 for a masters, I should only have to take 48 hours of econ for both. I do not know if the English department has a similar program, but it would be worthwhile to inquire.</p>

<p>Another program you might want to check out is the New College. It is great if you are interested in a major that is not offered or if you want to make a major out of a set of classes you already plan to take (like a language). My experience with the staff there has been phenomenal. I walked in unannounced when I visited UA last month, and within ten minutes the Dean of the New College had invited me into his office and we were engaged in a personal conversation. Definitely check that place out.</p>

<p>Good luck on those AP tests! Try not to study too hard over the next couple weeks. Btw, feel free to message me your contact info. I’d be happy to share with you anything else I can.</p>

<p>Thank you SO much for all the information, smoughon7. And no, unfortunately I won’t be in Tuscaloosa on the 25th…haha that’s actually the day I graduate. I’m planning on going to UA on the 29th-30th for the Honors Bama Bound session.</p>

<p>I’ll ask about being able to use my English credits for both my undergrad and grad coursework. I’m hoping to finagle it so that I can get my Bachelor’s and Master’s in 8 semesters and not have to pay for any of it (because of the Presidential NMF scholarship). That would be outstanding.</p>

<p>I’ll also check into New College when I visit for BB. </p>

<p>Thank you! Honestly, these AP exams are the only thing I’m even a little bit stressed about right now…I have a terrible case of senioritis. </p>

<p>Also, where are you from? I’m from Atlanta.</p>

<p>Aquapoet, you might want to consider taking the CLEP for German because Bama will grant potentially more credits from it than from the AP test.</p>

<p>Congrats on the graduation! I know you must be looking forward to getting over senioritis. If you’re like me, it is so much harder studying for AP’s this year since our scores will not go on any college apps. Hang in there though.</p>

<p>It shouldn’t be too difficult to squeeze grad and undergrad into four years. Tell your adviser what your plan is, and the two of you should easily be able to map out the rest. Do you plan to study abroad? Your scholarship, excluding housing, transfers if go overseas. Since you are from out-of-state, that’s a nearly $11,000 stipend per semester to study abroad. Studying overseas might throw a wrench into your plan to graduate with a masters, but I think you can easily afford at least one semester away.</p>

<p>I’m from the northeast tip of Tennessee. We are sandwiched between North Carolina and Virginia. I loved visiting Atlanta when I was younger. Since I grew up in a very rural region, I was always fascinated by the Atlanta skyline.</p>

<p>Thanks! And I actually have a bigger incentive to do well on this year’s AP exams because I know I can actually use them to exempt classes at UA. Before this year, I was looking at schools that wouldn’t accept my AP scores to exempt their introductory classes.</p>

<p>I definitely want to study abroad. I was most interested in studying in Britain and Germany. I wanted to do at least one semester in and possibly a summer in Germany to see if it is somewhere I would like to live after graduation. I’ll see if I get my German fluency diploma later this month, so that would give me a chance to actually use it.</p>

<p>Wow…it’s going to be a pretty long drive for you from Tennessee to Tuscaloosa. Haha, how rural is the area that you’re from? And the Atlanta skyline IS pretty fascinating now that I think about it. I guess when you live in a city, you take things like that for granted.</p>

<p>Wow, foreign language fluency is impressive! I wish you the best of luck in getting your diploma. What led you to learn German in particular? The culture in Germany fascinates me. </p>

<p>Very rural. In fact, there are fewer than 20,000 residents in my entire county. Not quite the metropolis Atlanta is. :p</p>

<p>Thank you! I started learning German in the 4th grade based on a magnet program I was in, so I didn’t really have a choice as to what language I could take. At the time, I was mad because I thought Spanish would have been a better language to learn. However, I love the fact that I speak German (in my opinion, the German movies I’ve watched are some of the best I have ever seen. AND Germany is an amazing, beautiful country, based on the pictures and videos I’ve seen).</p>

<p>Haha wow! I think we’re up to like 3 million people or something in Atlanta, which is insane. But I think it would be nice to live in a small town (there are fewer rude and crazy people).</p>

<p>aquapoet94…Germany is a very clean, orderly country. We have spent time there several times, using Munich as our hub of travel. The trains are amazing and very reasonable. From Munich we traveled to Vienna, Salzburg, Prague and many small villages where we explored. I think one of the most memorable days was visiting Neuschwanstein Castle in a heavy snow. We were taken to the castle by horse drawn sleighs, covered in robes and blankets…it was amazing but the whole country is that way. We spent time in Munich for Fasching (think Fat Tuesday and Mardi Gras…) The entire city shuts down and it makes New Orleans look tame!<br>
So I would definitely suggest studying abroad. You might also look at Sorbonne in Paris. Paris is one of my most favorite cities in the world. The chandeliers in the halls and libraries are beautiful and to walk and learn where great writers like James Joyce and Ernest Hemingway lived and wrote would be an amazing experience.<br>
We have been immersing our children in cultures around the world since they were young. If you have the ability to study abroad I would heartily suggest you seize the opportunity. Our kids have told us over and over again how much they have appreciated the experiences of being in great cities and countries around the world and to live like a “local” was a great experience for them. I am sure many who have had their children do any of the UA experiences abroad would echo this sentiment.<br>
If any parents are interested in traveling and need recommendations for apartments in Paris, Rome, Munich, London, Scotland, Barcelona pm me and I am glad to help!</p>

<p>Thank you for the information ahpimommy! This makes me want to study abroad in Germany and France even more.</p>

<p>@aquapoet - Congrats with your decision to attend UA! DS had a similar school decision and still cannot believe his good fortune to be a student at UA. He is double majoring in business and German while considering a third major/University Scholars Program. He is leaving next month with The University of Alabama Germany program in Berlin. We advised DS NOT to use his scholarship for the semester abroad as all eight scholarship semesters are more efficiently used (at least for this program) in Tuscaloosa, especially for those students that are double majoring. As a rising sophomore, he will have 76 credit hours after this summer study abroad. </p>

<p>@smoughon7 - although we moved from Atlanta a few years ago, we now live in East TN (Tri-Cities area). Many top students from this area attend UA, including NMF and Presidential Scholarship students. You will be in good company :)</p>

<p>Kmwjes- how much did the UA German program in Berlin cost? And how long is the program supposed to last? That sounds REALLY interesting.</p>

<p>@aquapoet The program costs $5200 which includes 6 credit hours and housing. I would not use one of your eight scholarship semester for study abroad unless finances are an issue. Details can be found : [The</a> University of Alabama](<a href=“”>
DS flies to Berlin June 15 and the program ends in Munich July 21. Afterwards, he will stay two weeks with his grandmother and German relatives in Hamburg.<br>
Most students are flying out of BHM however tickets proved to be expensive ($1400-$1500). Thankfully I was able to find a good summer fare with Delta for $660 ex IAD (thanks to ITA Matrix). Lufthansa also offers student fares on their website.
Also inquire about internships at the Mercedes Benz plant outside of Tuscaloosa.</p>

<p>Wow that isn’t bad at all! I can definitely scrape up enough scholarship money to do that program over the summer (or I can use the summer stipend money they gave me). And I will definitely inquire about the internships.</p>

<p>Also consider applying for German program scholarship: [url=&lt;a href=“]Scholarships[/url”&gt;]Scholarships[/url</a>]</p>

<p>We found out about this too late for DS to apply…</p>