<p>I'm a junior and I kinda screwed around academically but I want to get in somewhere good for Pre-Med. I consider Tulane a safety school.
GPA: 3.3-3.4 (Maybe 3.5)
SAT Math:High700s-800
Verb: 600s (Hopefully I can get a 700)
AP Bio, and I'm going to do AP Chem and AP Phys B next year
I am Roman Catholic and have been going to church every Sunday for my entire life (Does this help for G-town?)
My priest is on a board there and I'm hoping for a rec from him.
I'm joining my Catholic Youth Organization.
I have been working in Pharmacolgy and Biochemistry departments over the summers at Tulane Medical School.
I tutor under priveliged kids.
I've voluteered at the hospital, retirement home, and cleaned up the park.
I play the guitar pretty well.
I'm very good at Math and Sciences.</p>
<p>Anyone think I have a shot at Early Action? Any suggestions as to other good pre-med programs that I have a shot at?
(I'm also leaving towards Virginia)</p>
<p>I think maybe if you had some ec's...
Rice- Match
Notre Dame- Slight Reach, (ND is quite strage with acceptance)
UNC- Slight Reach
Emory- Slight Reach
Chicago- Match</p>
<p>Some of the best students at my school have been rejected to Georgetown in the past, yet some of the mediocre ones (~top 50% class rank and ~1200 SAT's) have been accepted.</p>
<p>ohnoes, i hope not, but try out for them all, again georgetown is a far far far reach (rejection guarenteed almost) but whatever nothing wrong with trying man</p>