Georgia Tech Admissions Fall 2022

We signed up for the tours when we signed up for Gold Carpet Day.
We attend all breakout sessions as a family except 1 where we split up as we wanted to cover 2 sessions at the same time.
Tours were beneficial but they overlapped with the sessions. We signed up for 2 tours - one we attended as a family (campus tour) and one kiddo attended by himself (invention studio tour). He loved that tour. I suggest if needed splitting as a family for breakout sessions and letting kiddo do the tour.



Thank you very much for sharing your DS’s experience and your family’s thought process.
My Kiddo is nearly set on GT and I will share this post with him.

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Yes, the food scene is limited, and that is one aspect I do worry about as he is a vegetarian. But, as you say, you do not select a school because of food or dorms.


Completely Agree!!! Nice compilation. :+1:

Congrats to all Georgia Tech acceptances.
Undoubtedly, GA Tech is one of the best engineering school & top CS school too.

My DD19 is Junior (BME) at Georgia Tech, having a very successful & enjoyable college experience so far. Tech is very collaborative environment and every kid is working hard. Of course they are having lots of fun too.

This year S22 got accepted into CS. We are OOS for Georgia and my S22 attended gold carpet day in February. He liked it very much.


I think there definitely should be multiple options at each meal as a vegetarian. Maybe not as plentiful as he would like, but there are plenty of vegetarians at Georgia Tech. I think they now have a dashboard that shows what is being served each meal so you can get a feel for that. We have an allergy kid and that would’ve been much more problematic. The food quality is not great even for those without limitations but they don’t starve :slight_smile:


Same here, my son is a vegetarian and heard dining options is pretty limited, but that’s to be expected in every school

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Knowing my kiddo, he won’t starve and will probably stock up on outside food.
Looking for high restaurant bills! :wink: :grinning:

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Actually, Northwestern has pretty decent veg options in all of their dining rooms. Each residential dorm had its own dining hall and one could eat anywhere. So, there was always variety but taste-wise it was a hit or a miss.

At GT, they have 2 common dining halls on East Campus and 1 at West Campus. So, the choice is among these 3 dining halls or outside food. And the outside food scene is also limited unlike what I have seen at other colleges.
But, if the kiddo decides this is his place for the next 4 years, he will have to figure it out and make the most of these options.

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The food situation should improve a bit as far as non-meal plan food when they open the new student center this fall. There used to be a number of places to eat there but they closed them during the renovation. They do have a lot of food trucks but lines tend to be long so opening the student center should alleviate that in part.

Needless to say if you’re willing to go off-campus you can find any sort of food you like in Midtown Atlanta.


I agree the food is not the best. However, my younger DS’s ate in the dining hall with my freshman when were visiting a few weeks ago, and they thought it was great. I think it may be just the same food, day in and day out, without a lot of variety, that is part of the problem.

For vegetarians, GT has a club/organization called the Veggie Jackets - Georgia Institute of Technology

I just saw that they get together for lunch every Friday from 11:30 - 1:30.


Students who pledge a frat or sorority at GT eat at the house, where meals are cooked by the chef who is employed by the house. They switch to the Greek Meal Plan, which is actually cheaper. And the food is good. There really is a frat or sorority for anybody at GT. It’s a highly supportive and rewarding experience, with tons of academic and social support. It’s not what you think when you think “Greek life.”


He is currently not interested in “Greek life.”
Thank you for the suggestion.
Will mention it to him and let him explore.


We heard from the Learning Living Communities today but accepting it requires committing to GT. And we are waiting for the financial aid decision.

Does anyone know when the financial aid decisions are going to be announced?

My student got into the Honors Program at Ga Tech. From what I can tell they get a nice dorm with other honors students and an honors distinction on their diploma. The information online really does not list much more than that. Any other clear benefits that we should be aware of? He is also considering UF honors program. I am also wondering when the financial aid decisions are announced. Out of state and did not get Provost.
This is my first post. Reading the information shared in these forums has been really helpful, at least to the parents. Thanks.

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May I ask how you get into the honors programs? Did the student have to apply separately? Did they notify him/her when accepted? I heard they’ll tell us in mid-April.
Please let me know. Thank you!

That’s it. No priority registration, no distinction with employers, etc. It is not an honors college, it is an honors LLC where honors kids live in a dorm together. It is not something employers give any preference to, and it’s not something that is seen as more prestigious than any other student group or LLC. There are a certain number of honors classes that a student has to take to get the designation on their diploma, but it is totally separate from the high honors or highest honors GPA based designations which are more meaningful. I’ve also heard that some students have a difficult time getting honors classes to work with their schedules. That being said, it is a great way to find a group of people with common interests to live with, and I believe this year’s honors program is living in an apartment style dorm with private rooms, kitchen and common living area, which will be different from the traditional dorm rooms offered other students. Also like the other LLCs there is an additional fee. I also believe the apartment dorms are more expensive.


It is a separate application.


It is a separate application after they get accepted to the university. I believe he just got an email today telling him he was accepted in that Living Learning Community dorm.

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My freshman son is in the Honors LLC. Everything VirginiaBelle said is correct - no priority registration, no distinction with employers, and it does cost more. However, I am very happy that my son has been a part of this LLC this year. Here are the ‘Pros’, as I see it:

  • Coming from out of state, it was a great way for my son to connect within a smaller group of people. This may not be 100% true, but as a generalization, you can assume that freshmen in this LLC will be looking to make new friends, and are mostly among the more focused on their schoolwork(not that this is a big problem at GT, but it was a comfort to me).
  • If you join a LLC, you will know which dorm you’ll be living in, so that is one less stress. (assuming you like the dorm that houses the LLC)
  • Honors LLC runs a ‘retreat’ for a few days during FASET week. They had team-building, activities, and outings. It was a nice way to get all the kids to know each other.
  • Honors LLC has upperclassmen advisors that run programs to help out the freshmen. For example, this week they’re holding a session to help with class registration for next year.
  • Honors LLC has fun group outings that are free. Eg - ice skating, Shakespeare dinner theater, Atlanta United soccer game, semi-formal dance, etc. If your student isn’t looking to rush a frat/sorority, this provides some nice social events that are aimed at exploring all Atlanta has to offer. There are also lots of other informal events like pumpkin carving, etc.

If you were to ask my son, he’d say that the Honors LLC didn’t add a huge amount to his experience, but I’d definitely disagree with him - I think it gave him a great start, and a good framework to find ‘his people’ and provide some fun opportunities. As far as I see it, the only downside is the additional money. Last year it was $800 for the year, but this year it might be more because of the housing difference (apartments are more expensive than traditional dorms).

LMK if you have any other questions!