Georgia Tech Admissions Fall 2022

Agree completely with this assessment! And I think the apartments are close to $3000 a year more, assuming they charge the apartment rate not the freshman dorm rate, plus the $800 for the LLC so not an insignificant amount. My son decided against an LLC because he knew he was going to go through fraternity rush and would find his people that way, which he did. For kids who are not interested in Greek life an LLC is a great way to meet people, and all of the LLCs have the sort of programming and get togethers that you mention. And for any who are open to the concept, Greek life at Georgia Tech is very different than Greek life at other schools. There is absolutely a spot for every person who wishes to join, and it provides great social and academic support.

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I’ve just started searching for this, so may I ask HOW the first-year new coming OOS can get a dorm at the Honors LLC? Can we register after 5/1 and will there be any availability if you just pay more? Please help. Thanks in advance!

That is not a question I know the answer to. This is the first year that the Honors LLC has been in an apartment style dorm. Typically, various LLCs are assigned to individual dorms. Because in years past these have been an upper class dorm, I don’t know if the honors LLC will fill all the apartments, or whether incoming freshmen will be able to choose in that building or any leftover apartments will be for upperclassmen. That is a question to address to housing via email.

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Also, I would suggest you read the honors program LLC webpage. The application closes on April 10, but the priority deadline was a month ago. I don’t know if they filled all of their slots or not, but it is not too late to submit the essay and application.

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Thank you so much for your guidance!

Definitely double-check everything, but last year, being accepted into the Honors LLC wasn’t a guarantee of housing in the Honors housing. It seemed weird, but you had to be accepted into the Honors LLC, then you had to commit to GT and complete the housing contract, and pay the deposits before being confirmed for Honors housing. Then after all that was done, we just waited until closer to the Room Selection time, and then more specific instructions were sent about how to select the Honors housing.

The key point was that just getting ‘accepted’ into the LLC doesn’t mean you get the housing - you have to complete all deposits and contracts, then you’ll get an email confirming you got the honors housing.

Also - last year, my DS didn’t even apply for the Honors LLC until one day AFTER the final deadline(not priority deadline). He didn’t think he was going to be able to go to GT bc of finances, so he didn’t bother, and then changed his mind at the last minute. Thank goodness, they accepted his application anyway, and he was accepted.



Spoke with GT Financial Aid office.
Aid packages are coming out in the latter part of next week.


A quick reminder for those of you who have been waitlisted. There is a separate discussion thread available:

I hear financial awards are out for at least some freshmen admits. Visible in Oscar.

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My son got his financial aid package today. We are in state

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Do you know if they are in-state or OOS?

One thing to consider is dorm location. Two years ago honors dorm was on west campus. I’m assuming it still is but maybe not. Most freshman live on east campus. Frats on east campus. Stadium on east campus. West campus is quieter.

My son would say not a big benefit to be in honors at GT. Other son at FSU would say big benefit being in honors at FSU. Not all are equal.

There is a huge debate between east and west. My son was hard-core east, but many freshmen choose to be on West. Now added to the seven original freshman dorms on West, they have made Woodruff north and south all freshman and Honors will be in Eighth Street which used to be upper classmen on West. I think the numbers are evenly split as far as freshman go on west and east, but really no upper classmen on East except in North Ave and it’s definitely a good bit livelier. The people that like west do it because it is quieter, greener, right next to the gym which is good for some athletes, next to the band practice field which is good for band members, etc. They’ve made a whole video about it at GT housing :joy:

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We received our FA letter today; we are OOS.


Just received ours. But it makes no sense or looks incomplete.

Includes a small institutional scholarship but shows we have large gap between the scholarship and need. So shouldn’t there at least be loans? We are OOS. Anyone else have loans or work study in their package?


Thank you. We did receive an email today.
GT is very stingy. Barely covered 25% of demonstrated need.

CMU was very nice. Even tough we are waitlisted, they offered a very attractive financial aid package. Hope kiddo gets accepted there. Even UMD offered a better package.

Some tough decisions for us.

Same situation - GT not even close to meeting demonstrated need based on their own analysis. Not sure I understand what the point was of submitting all that information.

Rice offered a very nice package so we are thankful for that!
Good luck with CMU! Definitely continue to express interest and submit LOCI.


Hope everything works out for you at the end! :four_leaf_clover:
My son will visit CMU in a couple of weeks and will make his decision soon afterwards.
Who knows, he might be releasing a spot there :wink:

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Sorry to hear that GT aid didn’t work out. But interesting to know that CMU provided an attractive package. Over on the CMU discussion thread several parents have mentioned how CMU has been stingy and/or offered unreasonable options with loans (including suggesting taking out a HELOC!).

Hope things work out for your kid.

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Hope he likes CMU.
But it is always good to have options.

Wishing him the best.

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