Georgia Tech Deferred Class of 2026

Thank you

@formydd hi… sorry about the deferral. I think part of this is yield control. My daughter was admitted EA to GATech last year with similar profile. She ended being admitted to several other colleges in RD and is now a freshman at UPenn, which is a much better fit for her.

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Thank You @RockyPA. Appreciate your words. Having gone through this a few years ago with my son, I should not be worried (or frustrated). But I am human and hence not able to contain it seeing my daughter’s disappointment. We (and she) can’t wait for all results to come out as the suspense is a bit unnerving! Hope she will be announced as NMF next week - which will help cheer her up in the interim.


Out of curiosity, what were some of the factors she considered before deciding on UPenn? Many students and parents would have the tough choice to make in April and want to start preparing for that process. Thanks

@nolefam We live about an hour away, so proximity and familiarity (she had done a summer program there) was key in her case. It was definitely the right choice for her, she is very happy there.


good luck to her @formydd! My D was also NMF (and ended being named a NMS in May). Such a nice honor!


Nothing different here either.
DD essays focused on the gender gap in CS and getting a $3000 grant from NCWIT to teach a coding camp to underserved girls in a low income area. That’s her passion and don’t think there’s anything else she could’ve done or shared.
Good luck to your daughter. I’ve told DD there are plenty of other places she will be happy and she still hasn’t heard from most of her schools. Fingers crossed for everyone on this thread!


The silver lining I see is that this will give our kids training to handle disappointments. The challenges they have had in High School and the college admission process will help prepare them to handle life’s challenges.


That’s how MIT’s admission has been for several years. Nothing new.

Any deferred EA 1’s get a decision?

Deferred son accepted for business today.


Congratulations! Did he get an email or was it a portal update?

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It was in his portal

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Are you in state or oos

In state was the only acceptances today

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Today is the day! Good luck everyone


what time is the announcement?

7 pm

Thank you!