Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

“Of the Early Action 2 admit pool, 6% are first-generation college students (neither parent graduated from college); 24% identify as Black, Hispanic, or multiracial; and 13% received formalized transfer Pathway Offers.”

The above is from Ga Tech admission twitter. seems the transfer offers accounted for 13% of the total admitted EA2 applications , not the entire EA2 pool?


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Can a student fill the housing application and the pay the housing deposit without committing to gatech yet ? Gatech is my kid’s no 1 choice right now but we are still waiting for decisions from RD colleges. We just want to make sure he gets housing if and when he finally commits to gatech.

I will reiterate that I appreciate how transparent Georgia Tech is with their stats, and how welcoming they are to questions.


Housing deposits cannot be paid without committing to GA Tech

This is my first kid and I didn’t go to college here in US. So correct me if I am wrong - Isn’t it unethical to commit to a college if you are not 100 percent sure and are still waiting on decisions from other colleges?
In that case, if we wait till April, is my son going to lose out on housing ?

Thanks for all the help!

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That’s the same question we have as well. If someone commits now and backs out in April, it will help someone waitlisted in April and takes away a spot from the deferred/RD pool. But I guess this is how college admissions work, seems unethical and unfair.


It is only unethical if you double commit. For years, Georgia Tech has run its housing in this manner. I’m sure they have data on how many committed students ultimately withdraw their commitment for planning purposes. Maybe they think requiring a commitment deposit gives them a better estimate on how many may attend, versus just allowing people to pay a small fee to get in line for housing (UGA and UF both do it this way). The good news is, they have eliminated the additional $600 housing deposit that they required in all prior years so this year’s commitment is less financially burdensome.

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Yup. Transparency removes uncertainty and conspiracy.

The two statements certainly seem to be at odds.

Likely just a misprint/misplaced statistic from the writer, since the admission website also clearly says

“some students to whom we are not able to offer first-year admission will be offered a transfer pathway”

So, not in the admitted group.

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My daughter was accepted into UT ~ civil engineering and Georgia Tech. We live in Los Angeles. I’m moving to Georgia (where I was born) in the fall. Would love to talk about the two schools. Madison is also interested in not only studying, but enjoying college life. I’d love to talk if you would be interested. I’m terrible at technical things.

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13% of EA2 applications would be too high, has to be the admitted pool?

See the text box in attached photo.


DS is a freshman at GT now and last year he waited til the end of April to commit. While he did not have a lot of choices on housing, he did have choices. He is in one of the dorms that was not popular historically but he loves it. He thinks the dorm has many of the top students as many on the hall were in the same boat, waiting around to hear from some of the top schools before they committed.

GT, like everywhere else, has pros and cons, but I would not let housing concern me at all.


Thank you so much for your reply! That does make sense and eases our mind.

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Rejected College of Computing (CS)
1530 SAT
3.92/4.3 GPA
Took a gap year

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We just signed up for Gold Carpet Day on 2/25. Anybody from this thread going?


I just came here to ask a few questions about that.
For someone who has never been to Georgia Tech, actually not even to Atlanta area, which is better - Gold carpet day, or Admitted student tour ? For the Gold carpet day, campus tours are full(apparently we need to register for that separately). Will we able to tour the campus on our own ?
Any input is appreciated.

We did not get an email for Gold Carpet Day, registered for an Admitted Student tour in March

I would book an admitted student tour ASAP. Certain dates fill up very fast. Of course, you can tour the campus on your own, but you learn so much more if someone is guiding you and can answer inquiries, etc. The guides not only know key places to take you to, but they offer a wealth of information about sites on the tour, are familiar with academic requirements, activities, school history and traditions, and welcome questions.