Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

The best reason to do an LLC at Georgia Tech is to have an outlet to meet people with similar interests. A close second is to secure a particular dorm. This also can be seen as a negative, as my son considered applying but did not want to live in an LLC dorm. He also knew he was going to go through fraternity rush and knew he would have that social outlet.

As far as the Honors LLC. It is not an honors college and doesn’t have the benefits associated with those like priority registration. It also is not any more academically competitive to get in, and doesn’t come with any additional prestige. I think the name is confusing as many other schools use that term to describe the strongest academic students and that is not necessarily the case at Tech.

LLCs also require an additional fee of $800 a year.

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DS22 got a guaranteed pathway acceptance program decision. OOS.

What do you mean by “got a guaranteed pathway”? Is there a way to get in from a GA CC to GT guaranteed?

Mostly “available to eligible students who previously applied to Georgia Tech as a first-year applicant.” I.e., if not admitted, these may be offered as an alternative.

Yes. 13% of applicants from the EA2 cycle received the Transfer Pathway offer.

It doesn’t have to be a Georgia community college. In fact I don’t actually think it can be a community college because of the level of classes required, but this may be wrong. You can do it from any college listed on the transfer equivalency table. It does not have to be in Georgia. If you are given a transfer pathway, you can transfer in for the defined semester if you have completed or in progress 30 hours, you’ve completed or in process all requirements for the transfer pathway major, and you have earned at least a 3.3. Every major is slightly different but most require completion of Calc one and Calc two, English one and two, two lab sciences, etc. Not every class will transfer for credit at Georgia Tech (many don’t) so there’s a pretty involved process of looking at the transfer equivalency table on the GT website to be sure the class that you were taking transfers in as the class required.

That being said, it is what they call a “secure offer” of admission if you jump through the hoops.

Lots of people start out at Georgia State and transfer. Some live in the Georgia state dorms, while others live close to the Tech campus in the adjacent student apartments which makes it easier to take advantage of some of the goings-on at Georgia Tech.

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Also one more note about the pathway process. You can be offered this at any decision window. In other words, it is possible to be deferred early action and then offered a pathway regular decision. It is also possible to be deferred early action, waitlisted regular decision, and then offered a pathway off the waitlist.

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DS22 is not interested in the transfer pathway acceptance. Do you think it is good offer to proceed?

I know some people earlier were asking about whether Provost had come out, it looks like they’d want it via physical mail, I got the letter that I had received it today.


When do regular decisions come out?

I think RD is mid-March


Late March.

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Last year RD decisions were announced on 3/13. The prior year, 3/14.

So my best guess for this year is 3/12. Or if not, then 3/19.

We are longtime Atlanta residents, and we ruled out GT because of safety. The crime in the City of Atlanta is out of control, and it is becoming worse with each passing day.

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I hope this does not read as if I’m challenging you :grinning: but am very curious to know more about your strong statement. I’m also a longtime Atlanta resident and know several kids who attend Tech. There are neighborhoods just off campus that I agree one should avoid or at least be “smart” about (especially at night). However, my understanding from the kids I know is that the campus itself is safe. Tech is in a city and so requires the typical awareness one should expect in that environment.

To be clear, my D does not attend Tech and I have limited personal experience on the campus. However, I am in the general area fairly frequently and my D’s high school BFF is at Tech now. She is happy and has had no safety concerns. So I am genuinely curious. Of course, I get that everyone has different comfort levels.

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In the deferral letter it says mid-March. I would expect a buffer of few days max.

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I have my money on 3/12 :grinning:

The thing is that I have 63 credits already and I am still not done with my requirement classes because I switched my major from AE to business administration and back to AE again. I also have 8 withdrawals and 1 F from my previous school due to family and personal problems. I decided to transfer into a new school to kinda like “start over”. I tried my butt off from the beginning by taking 5 accelerated classes in spring 6 classes in summer to catch up. But this spring, I withdrew AGAIN because of a wrong decision by staying in that class and also a new job. This is the first withdrawal in this school, but all of my hard work from the previous semesters are just gone. I really want to transfer to a top aerospace engineering school, but I don’t know what direction I am heading atm.
Resident of FL
GPA: 3.73
Previous institute GPA: 3.65
Institutional GPA: 3.8
9withdrawls 1F- they all have a reason…
No submitting SAT because I slacked off during the test in high school.

EC: Photography 1y, astronomy club 2y, animal shelter volunteer 2.2y…
Got a job a few weeks ago as I mention.
I will start my pilot training too in 2-3 months if I can add that on.
I also go to the gym 4-6 days a week. Camping, fishing, video game.

I do not think the crime on GTs campus is very bad, but I am sure within Atlanta it is about the same per capita as any other large city in the US. DS has traveled by MARTA several times and while he mainly stays on campus has been off campus and has had no issues at all. Being from a small town, I am glad that he is getting exposed to a larger city.


When students get deferred EA, then waitlisted RD, when does that waitlist close typically? And are conditional pathways only offered to Legacy/APS/First Gen etc or can anyone get a transfer offer?

Anyone can get a transfer pathway offer. My son got one in EA2 to start Summer 2023. He’s in-state, not a legacy, not first gen. Don’t know what aps stands for.

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