Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Definitely the case in my situation.
My girl who got into Michigan mentions Michigan nearly every day while she’s considering her choices. My daughter who was deferred at GT barely talks about it anymore.

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Got it, thanks so much! So I should’ve used S22 or DS then.

My S22/DS got in EA2 OSS BME! But don’t know what to expect on the Housing…

All of the replies here help very much!


At this point, my D just want to know her admisson status for GT and UMich. We are planning to withdraw most applications post mid-March. Its a great school though.

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I can see that at my kid’s high school. For GT, couple of acceptances, couple of deferrals, rest were rejections. For Umich, couple of acceptances, no rejections, 20 plus deferrals.


Georgia Tech housing has a priority system. For freshmen, housing priority is determined by the time that you fill out your housing application and pay your commitment deposit. During housing selection, which happens generally in June, those who did this earlier in time will get to choose first. The later you do it, the fewer options you will have. Those who wait to the very end will have very few options, unless they choose a roommate with an earlier housing priority or apply for and are admitted to an LLC. Each LLC has designated housing in a specific dorm. The most important factor in choosing housing is determining whether your student wants to be on the east side of campus or the west side of campus. East campus tends to be more social, it’s right across from the stadium, the parades go through East campus, it is near fraternity houses and parties, etc. West campus has more green space, is where the marching band practices, and is near the CRC which is the gym.

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Give them credit for their transparency on dates though. Love it or hate it, they are way more transparent than another school deep in the heart of… that leaves kids checking their portals every hour for months!


I suspect that once April 1 comes and goes, students will look at everywhere they have been accepted and make decisions based on facts. I don’t see a lot of “I lost interest in Harvard, Yale, etc.” based on March 30/early April dates.


A deferral makes the runway longer and makes it less interesting. Those who did ivys in RD know they have to hold it until the ivy day, so no one complains.


Because a) those dates (and therefore expectations) are set in advance. On the other hand a deferral and unknown decision dates causes the process to drag on, which takes a toll on applicants
And b) they are the Ivies :grin:


I won’t go through this process again thankfully but I think colleges need to have a single decision day. No more EA, ED, etc. It is a terrible process as it stands today and is not good from a mental health standpoint.


More than for my D, my anxiety levels have become higher.

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It has picked up for my son as seeing his classmates get into good schools adds more pressure. All colleges can pick a single date, say March 15, and notify on that day. Honors, scholarships, and other extras should be the same day.

I will give credit to schools like Georgia Tech. My son is still interested. Their communication and transparency has reduced his anxiety level.


My D was accepted to GT EA. She is awaiting other college decisions before deciding where she’ll attend. Since she was admitted she has received emails from the Dean of the College of Sciences, the Department Head, a Professor and a student in her major. I’m sure they send to all admitted students, but they did seem personalized. GT was low on my D’s list but definitely moving up with all the attention she’s received from the school. Good luck to everyone!


Folks who attended the Feb 28 Gold Carpet Day - how was it? Any suggestions for us who are planning to attend on March 28?

Overall, we enjoyed it. We really didn’t get any new information - I already knew most things from reading the admission website. I always find the Q&A sessions the most interesting.

We weren’t sure if we should stay for the break-out sessions or do a campus tour. We chose the tour even though we are local and had already done a tour last summer. In hindsight, I wish we had stayed for the breakout sessions instead. Our tour started late, so we were rushed. It was a huge group and it was hard to hear the tour guide. We didn’t see anything that we didn’t see in the previous tour. If you have time, it would be better to do a self guided tour after the Gold Carpet events are over. We did enjoy the Invention Studio tour - I recommend that.


Thank you very much.

Why would GT put statistics that are not reliable on the website? I find that a bit hard to believe. The 33% admit rate refers to students that were deferred in EA, so it would be misleading to mix that with the regular acceptance rate.

It has said that for the last several years. You will find the website is not continually updated. That statistic does not mesh with last years numbers from what I understand. RD acceptance rate (which includes deferred students) was only 11 percent and roughly ⅔ of the acceptances last year came in the EA rounds (roughly 5400 EA 1 and 2 and roughly 2700 RD). The math doesn’t work to accept ⅓ of deferred applicants.

Question for folks who were part of Gold Carpet Day at Georgia Tech - does the event cover any department specific meetings/seminars? We are debating between registering for Gold Carpet Day 3/28 or going for an hour long CS department tour scheduled for another day. Will anyone know about the difference between these 2 events specifically in regards to understanding more about the department rather than the campus since as OOS applicant we visited in the summer and took the official campus tour.


We are from pre Covid times, I think we did both. If the CS session includes Q and A, with current students that is extremely helpful. Also, we found out about study abroad program for CS . We got information about the plus 1yr for Masters at the CS session. You can make a list of inquiries for comparison with other colleges on your list. We also heard about research which our kid was not exposed to before and actually is very involved in it. Research over summer is another option to internship.The study abroad was an amazing experience.