Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

Definitely agree on the communications part.
The Q/A session was helpful, but we were specifically told that CS Threads will not be discussed. The CS program is built on threads and not discussing anything about it was little odd, maybe it was in the interest of time. A tour of the Klaus building and labs would have been nice too.

Thanks. Will do.
Iā€™ve been to Atlanta a dozen times (for work, and I will be there again in 10 days) but havenā€™t been able to visit as a family. Sounds like GCD is the better option then.


You are not presumptuous, you are being proactive :+1:t2:


Anyone know when GT shares financial aid information?

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Donā€™t let anyone make you feel bad for being cautious. I applied to GT but I would not want my sister going there. Thatā€™s just my opinion. I have tons of family in Atlanta. Some love it and think itā€™s fine but others strongly disagree. Everyone has their own idea of what is acceptable and what is not. Follow your gut.

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I agree. I have friends shooting for ivies, little ivies etc and theyā€™re on pins and needle waiting for answers. Whereas those ā€œlesserā€ students that went for state schools are already in, celebrating, have their housing, and are enjoying the rest of senior year. It is torture on my friends who have worked so hard for this moment and havenā€™t heard a thing. Meanwhile theyā€™re still busting their rear to stay in the top ten of the class and often wondering if it is going to pay off. Itā€™s sad. Iā€™m sure you can all relate. The only reason I can relax is because I opted for a SCEA and it paid off. But even that was a risk that some people couldnā€™t take. The system is stressful


I have the same question. A couple of emails to the admissions office went unanswered. 3 weeks, no response!

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Has anyone here accepted the admission offer for GT and paid the housing deposit while still waiting for decisions from other colleges? I know it is not unethical to accept as long as you donā€™t double deposit, my son is still not comfortable doing that, although GT is his top choice right now.
My question is if he accepts in mid April and then puts down housing deposit, will it be too late to get decent dorm choices ?

We were advised by two current students to do that. Housing selection is first come first serve. So to get the dorm my daughter was advised is the best in terms of location etc. we submitted the deposit and application.


DS was accepted into GT last year and waited pretty late to make his decision. When he finally accepted his choice of dorms was very limited and the reputation of the ones left was not great. He loves his dorm and hall. He also feels like the guys on his hall are probably the strongest group as most were waiting on Ivyā€™s etc and felt like they had a decent shot at getting in.

GT has issues for sure, but housing is not something I would get all worked up about.

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What issues? My son is waiting to hear from them, and itā€™s currently his first choice. We havenā€™t been able to visit yet, and I would like to hear from people who have more experience with the school. Thanks!

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I think every Uni has issuesā€¦common complaints, in no particular order, are

  • safety as campus is in downtown Atlanta - DS thinks all is fine as long as you take the same precautions you would in any large city, but on campus is absolutely fine

  • dining - common complaint by most, DS thinks it is not fine dining but overall it is not bad

  • dining dollars - this one is a pain but only a few hundred dollarsā€¦basically GT has you pay for dining dollars in the meal plan but it is quite tough to use them

  • credit for classes - no problem as long as your credits come from APs or dual enrollment but you are only able to ā€œtest-outā€ of 9 hoursā€¦GT does not really assess where you are in math/cs and then ensure you are challenged like many top colleges doā€¦this is probably applicable mainly to math/programming contest kids that have knowledge pretty far beyond their official credits

  • double major - GT is quite difficult here compared to many other uniā€™s


Could you elaborate why double major is difficult at GT? Is it because the admin does not allow it? Or the load for a single major is so much that students donā€™t want to do double major? Or something else?

Thank you and congrats to your daughter!

Thank you, this definitely helps !

My understanding from reading various threads is that many uniā€™s allow you to take a class that counts towards both majors and GT does not do this. DS is doing a dual major in CS and Math and I think he has to have 36 addl hours in Math to get this degree. Apparently the requirement is less at other universities.

This is not a problem for DS as he really enjoys math, his only issue is that he wishes he was able to test out of math he knows already and take higher level courses.

in regards to housing concerns - My DD was admitted EA in 2020 and waited until late April to commit (she wanted to use April break to visit the colleges she got accepted to). Housing for us was necessary due to being OOS, but she had no issues getting housing. She got placed near the stadium (I guess dorm was not highly rated, but she loved it and loved her dormmates). I think a lot of parents want to pave their childā€™s way with gold bricks, but they will do just fine no matter where they get placed, they are young and hopefully (if we raised them right) have flexibility and resilience.


For those who have made their mind already, save the date for Family Weekend: Sep 16-18


Hi. Question from an OOS parent. GT was one of 6 schools my son applied to (RD, decision next week), and the only one out of state. Itā€™s a far reach so we havenā€™t been thinking about it much, but I was just curious if they are ever concerned with enrolling from less-represented states? I just looked up some state education stats and it appears 4-9 kids go to GT as Freshman a year. Heā€™s comp sci thoughā€¦ so probably no edge? Thanks!

Iā€™m sure every highly ranked university wants to have kids from less represented states as they seek diversity, so there will be an edge. All the best!

Curious, though, which less represented state are you in

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