Georgia Tech Early Action for Fall 2022 Admission

What is you son major in? Does GT has different level of math classes, say calculus for engineering students and for math major, etc.?

My daughter was accepted into computer science this afternoon.


Currently planning to do a double major in CS and math. I am encouraging him to try courses in Econ and Finance and perhaps get a degree in one of those instead of math as there is simply too many core math courses that will not be very challenging. They do have different levels of math classes.

He loves the kids he has met at GT and likes the campus very much. His most interesting classes have been outside of his majors though due to GTs policy of limiting the courses you can test-out of via Advanced Placement. CS does seem like it will quickly challenge him but he was not as advanced in CS as math so that is a large part of it.

Counselling at GT is not great and to date they are unable to help if it is not a quick and easy answer. Presumably there are not enough of them. In all fairness, double majors are not common at GT which makes things a bit trickier.

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CS has math core requirements - ( These are same courses that are part of Math core - but they have more math requirements in different areas)

MATH 1551 Differential Calculus
MATH 1552 Integral Calculus
MATH 1554Linear Algebra
MATH 2550Intro to Multivariable Calculus ( Level 2 course)
MATH 3012AppliedCombinatorics ( Level 3 course)
& Probability and Statistics course

So when it comes to Calculus levels CS has high requirements. The main difference is in Math they have other areas - Real Analysis , Complex Analysis , Topology and other math courses depending on Math specialization

Optional concentrations in Math:
Applied Mathematics
Discrete Mathematics
Probability and Statistics
Pure Mathematics

I hope GT allows same core courses used for both majors. HTS allows that but not sure Math dept allows.

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He was able to get credit for 1551/1552 via AP and successfully took the ASE for 1554 and CS 1331 (7 hours). He wants to test out of Multivariable as he feels very confident he could from looking at past tests, but he cannot due to the 9 hour ASE limit. He has looked at a few other core Math courses and feels he could successfully pass those too, if allowed. He is not requesting the hours of credit, just wants to take higher level courses, if he passes the final exams, but GT will not allow it.

He took Math 2552 this semester and easily made an A, while taking 18 hours and staying quite busy. He did think the prof was very good and said he did not mind listening but would rather have done something new.

There are definitely some exciting courses for him once he gets through the core req’s, I am just not sure it is worth sitting through a semesters worth of them to get there. I do not understand GT’s reasoning behind these policies and he is methodically working through the system to get to someone that can explain it.

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Most instate CS students are very competitive and already come with 2 years of DL. But Your son is doing pretty good. Is he into Math Olympiads ? One option for him may be to sign up for more math courses, assuming some math courses that he could easily test out need less time to spend.

I personally think Dual Major in Math and CS is a wonderful idea as many specializations in CS needs strong math back ground. Particularly, if he is interested in doing Masters and PhD.
For ex:
MATH 1564 Linear Algebra with Abstract Vector Spaces (4)
MATH 4320 Complex Analysis (3)
→ Very useful in Quantum Algorithms as Quantum Computing is modeled using Comlex Vector spaces.

Discrete Math is needed for Graph algorithms
He is in right track. I think GT is great school. Is he set on GT are waiting for any other T10?
He will do good in any school.

By the way your suggestion that doing courses in ECON and Finance is good too, if he is interested in going to Quantitative Finance or into Wall street. In that case he he can do selective math, econ and finance courses would be great idea.

CS and math is perfect combination. Both are hard core so maybe that is why not many students double major these two. My D is interested in both area, she has take quite a few undergraduate math classes. We have no problem to repeat them at an advanced level as the classes she had take are not emphasizing the theoretical aspect and proves. She learned proof from AoPS. It will be harsh though to repeat a class at similar level. Thanks for your insight.


My son attends a small in state school. He has his midterm exam for multivariable calculus tomorrow. He just got back from a study group and told me all of the seniors in that class were accepted to Tech yesterday. One has been invited to interview for Stamps. So excited for these kiddos.:tada::tada:


Going to Wall Street from Ga Tech is very tough even if you take the right combo of classes. If that is the goal, there are other schools that are a better choice.

Ivy leagues and few others would do the job but most of them hard to get into than ga tech.

Does GT take art/music recommendations and/or music portfolio? Their application process seemingly allows one one teacher recommendation, but since they look at the applications in a holistic manner, it makes sense to send them such additional material. Anybody done or doing such supplements?

Unless the student is applying for music technology, industrial design or architecture. I don’t see the point of art and music portfolio. Those programs do have their requirements and what they will like to see in a portfolio. For most of the other course, i don’t think it will add anything to the application.

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For anyone interested, Tech just posted stats for the EA1 round. 39% acceptance rate and 52% female this year.


What major was your kid going for? I think that makes a huge difference

D22 OOS- applied EA for CS and CE

Does any one know what are OOS acceptance rates for Engineering and CS?

I heard 13% overall acceptance rate for CS last year.

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I disagree that more = better.

A student portfolio that will impress faculty from the Art or Music department will help, but that’s who will review whatever is sent. D22 has been studying piano since age 5, performed in dozens of public concerts, and we didn’t even think of sending a music portfolio anywhere.

When will the Early Action for Out of State Students will come out? My D is from OOS and has not received any communication so far.