Georgia Tech final chance

<p>No, he didn’t .That’s why he didn’t get accepted. He is a major slacker!</p>

<p>Well, there you go.</p>

<p>well i submitted it at the last moment but I worked on it for like over a week… and my exams were going on… so even though I had prepared it earlier I was still reviewing it and all and submitted it on the last day… it would be rather unfair if they started accepting students on the basis of time of submission since they specify that they start viewing all the applications together</p>

<p>I’m not saying it was the time he submitted his app,but the half an hour he spent on it. (his essay was his first draph)</p>

<p>How is it even possible to complete the entire application in like 30 minutes…</p>

<p>if you do a bad job it is possible.</p>

<p>haha I started on the app a week before the due date, wrote essay intensely for 3 days, and turned in the app 3 hours before the due date! lol talk about last-minute decisions. still can’t believe I even applied.</p>

<p>ya, but if my friend had done that, he would have gotten in.At least you spent a decent amount of time.</p>

<p>oh I sure did. don’t want to be so last-minute again.</p>

<p>Okay, some of you need to know that Georgia Tech does their own GPA and you must contact them to figure it out. I mean a lot of you are saying “I had 3.6 GPA and I got waitlisted while you blah” but your GT GPA is probably significantly lower…Mine was. But, my SAT pulled me through so it was okay…</p>

<p>TheRoad- my GPA senior year is 4.25 (weighted by my school) and 3.9 (weighted my GPA).
I’ve also had a strong rising trend ><</p>