Getting In to U of A

<p>Could u get in with a 3.1 gpa<br>
??? im a sophomore and i no its still really early but still
right now im a bout a 2.8 but im going to get it up to around a 3.1
I will have 3 varsity letters (basketball and track)
Probably 2 or 3 ap classes and did 2 honors classes freshman year and 1 sophomore year
will have about 250 community service hours by end of high school
male caucasion jew from ny</p>

<p>you should get in providing you break around a 1050(possibly lower) on the SAT Math and Verbal.....right now you could get in with a 2.8 and like a 1000 but it will most likely get harder to get into by the time you are applying...but just keep your grades up and do decent on the SAT and you should be fine</p>

<p>I got in with like a 2.5 and a 21 on the act.</p>

<p>You should get in just fine.</p>

<p>89% acceptance rate is all I'm saying.</p>

<p>yeah. if you're into getting good grades and acheiving more academically, maybe you should be looking at other schools. the people i know who go there say that they don't really learn anything. keep it as a safety or a match school, at least.</p>

<p>hey muchlikeadreamer that's why many magazines have been saying that U of A is considered a "budget Ivy League". Maybe your friends are partying too much and not going to class, consequently resulting in a lack of information learned.</p>

<p>Budget Ivy League might be really stretching it. It's ranked by US News as the 89th best school in the country. 28,000 kids. It's a good school, but I've heard the same things as muchlikedreamer.</p>

<p>College is what you put into it. Those kids could learn a lot if they wanted to. The honors college at U of A has a great reputation as being a difficult college and the range of study options is huge. If they're not learning at any college it's because they don't want to.</p>