Getting into 10 th grade BS

Hello everyone,
My son is freshman in public HS. He wants to apply for Philipps Exeter for the next school year. Do they accept children into 10th grade?

Yes they do - it used to be very common.
A lot of junior boarding schools/day schools go through the ninth grade.
I’m not sure what the number is, but they take a lot of kids for Lower year.
Good luck!


Today there was a webinar by an AO at Exeter and he said they accept about 10-20 to 10 th grade and have about 500 applications

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Yes, I did the same exact thing last year, and am now a 10th grader at Exeter. They plan on accepting about 30-40 additional transfer students for 10th grade, not sure about the numbers in terms of total applications. It helps if you can clearly demonstrate why exactly you want to transfer to Exeter. If you have any questions you can ask me.

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Not unusual for elite prep boarding schools to ask a student to repeat a year. So, even if one applies for 10th grade, that student may only be offered a spot as a 9th grade student.

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This is a good point, and if you are open to repeating, ask about that in your interview as well as how to express that flexibility on your application. Many schools will only consider you for the year for which you apply unless you have expressed interest - formally - in a different year. Ime, it’s rare to be offered a place out of the blue in 9th when you’re applying for 10th.


Hi everyone and thak you for all your answers. He will definetely try to do it this year