Getting into A&M Engineering

I’m a international Student but, I am qualified for in-state.
I go to small private school.
Currently, I’m a junior, and here are my spec

I want to get in to Petroleum or Chemical, Aerospace, Biomedical, Electrical, mechanical, Computer Science hopefully

770M 650 CR 660 W
I am taking it again and try to get 800on math and 700+ on writing

never took it officialy, but on a mock test got 31(24English, 35Math, 32 Reading, 34 Science)

800 Math, 720 Chem
Planning to retake chem and take physics

Chem 4
Our school have like5 AP classes and only 2of them are engineering related, Ap cal ab and chem
So I am taking AP Cal bc exam with a public school this may, and confident of getting 5.

WGPA 4.01 GPA 3.9-4.0 I think
No rank, but since there are only 70kids in our grade, I am not in top7%
I usually take all AP or honors if possible, except for english.
Soccer Varsity (area champion 1 time, all district 1time)
Football Varsity
Student of the Year for World Geography

100+ volunteer work

If TAMU ranks you in the top quarter, you should be an automatic/academic admit.

@Messipass‌ Yes, you should be an auto admit. Engineering fills up fast, so make sure you apply as soon as you can.

The auto admit legislation does not guarantee a spot in engineering, just acceptance to the university. Engineering fills quickly and is competitive, and students are not accepted into particular engineering disciplines. If accepted into engineering, you would just be accepted into general engineering with a “preference” for a particular discipline. You would then need to apply during your freshman or sophomore year for the specific discipline (PetE, EE, etc.), and that application process will also be competitive.

Thank you
My friend, graduating this year said that we get to choose 2 specific major we want to get in, and he got in to his first choice as PetE.
So, im confused about getting into general E and specific E

@Barfly‌ Thank you
My friend, graduating this year said that we get to choose 2 specific major we want to get in, and he got in to his first choice as PetE.
So, im confused about getting into general E and specific E

Things have changed since your friend first started. It used to be as long as you applied early, you would get whatever engineering major you selected if spots were still available. However, @Barfly‌ said how things are done now.

Right. You can choose a first and second engineering discipline when you apply. If you are accepted into engineering, it will say something like general engineering with a preference for a specific discipline (ChemE, EE, etc.). At some point, you will have to apply for a specific type of engineering.

One thing we were wondering about was how they would dole out the departmental scholarships. Now that the students aren’t really accepted into a particular engineering discipline, I thought maybe there wouldn’t be any departmental engineering scholarships for freshmen - that any engineering scholarships would just be for general engineering, and scholarships for specific majors would be handed out after students were accepted into that major. But my son did just get a scholarship from his engineering preference, even though technically he’s not accepted into it yet.

@emilyKB‌ so does it mean that if i get accpeted to whatever major I wrote down, I can always change it at my sophomore year as long as my grades are good?

@Barfly thats exactly what my friend got. A Half ride for PetE. What do you think about what the user midclassdad posted? Do you think thats true?

@Messipass, you will need to apply and meet the requirements (grades or whatever) set by the discipline you want Some majors will have higher GPA requirements, just as they always have. But you can apply for any discipline, regardless of what your “preference” was when you applied. A&M and other universities are going to this system because so many students change their minds anyway about what type of engineering they want to study. This should give students more flexibility and ease of changing their minds. I know students are worried about what will happen if they don’t get into their desired major. I don’t really know how it will work, but so many drop out of engineering anyway that I hope it will work out well for those that want to stay in.

@Barfly‌ Thanks man, helped me a lot!

Wow! Never heard anything like that before, so I have no idea!

What do you know about your friend’s “half ride” for PetE? Is some of it not from PetE but from some other source? The top departmental scholarship from PetE that I have read about it $5000 per year and they say you only get one from PetE. If you are offered one PetE scholarship, and then they offer you one with more money, it replaces the first. It does not stack on top of the first. So my son was first offered $2000 per year, then $3000 per year, then $5000 per year, and each scholarship has a different name, but he only gets the $5000 per year, not the $10,000 total. But on top of that from PetE, students can get other money from general engineering or from the university that amounts to a full ride or more.

@Barfly I’ll ask him someday, he is on a trip right now. As long as I rememebr he wrote ComputerScience as 1 and Pet for 2nd. He got in to both, and said that was offered a 500p or either6000 a year. He is also NMS finalist

The package for NMFs is about $10,000 per year (plus extra for a 5th year of study and study abroad). Then many get something extra such as an Opportunity Award. Then on top of that there are departmental scholarships and need based scholarships available, such as the Top 10% and others. Many NMFs will end up with a full ride plus, so congrats to your friend and good luck to you!

@Barfly holy cow 10,000 a year is crazy, I wish I was american, my psat score was good enough to compete in NMS but internationals cant,too bad.
Anyway thank you so much!

Yep, it’s pretty sweet. I noticed you said you are an international student but qualify for in-state tuition. Not sure how that works, but if you were a US citizen attending school out of the country, you could still be in the NM competition. But if you are an international student, you cannot since it is just a program offered by a United States non-profit organization for US citizens.

@Barfly Texas is awesome cause if int student lived more than 4 years and graduated hs in texas, they give instate offer

That’s interesting. For any state U in Texas?

@Barfly‌ I think yes