<p>So I was at the dentist on Friday and when they looked at my x-rays they told me that my wisdom teeth were coming in, and that I would need to get all four of them out. All four are impacted and on the bottom one is basically at a 90 degree angle with the tooth next to it, and the other one is at a 45 degree angle. The top ones arent as badly crooked but they are still deeply impacted.</p>
<p>My dentist couldn't tell me if he could do it in the office or if he would have to refer me to an oral surgeon, because the x-rays were from august (I guess they didnt look at the x-rays they took last time because my dentist wasnt in, i just went in for a teeth cleaning) and that he would want to see how they were doing now before he could make a decision. They told me to talk to my parents about it (they werent at the appointment) and that I should have it done when convienent and my parents should call the dentist to talk about it more. They told me that if they do it there I would get nitrous and then pain killers for afterwards, or if I wanted to be put to sleep completely then they could refer me to an oral surgeon or we could go somewhere else</p>
<p>For anyone else who has had there wisdom teeth out would you reccomend taking the nitrous or being completely put out for it (i think its probably just sedation)? I just watched a video of someone getting there wisdom teeth out on youtube and i could barely watch it. Im kinda squemish at these things and I kinda get freaked out when I get a cavity filled, I think being awake for getting my wisdom teeth out would really freak me out with all the sounds and stuff. So what would you guys reccomend, i think im going to have to get all four wisdom teeth out which are impacted. Also, whats the recovery like, is it as bad as everyone says it is? Any of your guys's stories about wisdom teeth would be appreciated too. Thanks!</p>
<p>i havent had to get my wisdom teeth pulled but i had to have oral surgery on a tooth that wasnt coming up and i know i was glad i had been put out because if i was awake and had to watch that that wouldhave freaked me out, only problem is when you wake up how you feel is tottally out of it but not much painin my mouth</p>
<p>Being put completely out can’t be good for you. I know that they don’t do that even if you break an arm and they have to set it (with anesthetics not having much effect). Is the procedure that scary? Nitrous is like happy/laughing gas, right? You really won’t have a worry in the world when you’re breathing that stuff.</p>
<p>from what my friends have told me, def. use the laughing gas or go to sleep. If you use the sleeping method, you’ll wake up hours later and just have a sore mouth. I can’t imagine the dentist pulling out those teeth while you are 100% awake.</p>
<p>Take the anesthesia. They give you just enough so that you’ll wake up shortly after the procedure with some cotton in your mouth. Take a few Advil the first night. You’ll wake up the next day as if nothing happened. No big deal. I got all 4 out at once, too.</p>
<p>I got put under by a dentist once when I was getting a tooth uncovered. The dentist and his assistants didn’t seem to know what they were doing; didn’t really give me a choice on the matter, and put me under with an “adult” dose without asking about weight or other characterististics (is that normal?). After I woke up, I spent the rest of the day shivering in bed, not because I was cold because I couldn’t stop the muscle spasms. </p>
<p>And I like laughing gas. I don’t think anything is frightening when you’re under laughing gas and have a good doctor.</p>
<p>If you have your dentist do it, just use laughing gas. Dentists are not supposed to put you to sleep. If you have an oral surgeon do it (and you should. It’s a standard part of the job), be totally put out. I was put out and it was excellent.</p>
<p>He said that the dentist recommended going to an oral surgeon if he wanted to be put out.</p>
<p>When I was getting mine removed, I was on the fence about getting the sedation until I was in the waiting room that morning, mainly because of the cost. I eventually went for it.</p>
<p>It’s not just a straight forward tooth extraction. Though you may not feel pain without the sedation, you will not be very comfortable during the procedure.</p>
<p>I had four impacted teeth and the couple days following the surgery were hell, EVEN with the Oxycodone. Then again, my brother had the same surgery, and he didn’t have any pain.</p>
<p>I had very little pain and no swelling. But all my teeth were already mostly out. It’s just that my mouth is too little to hold them, so they had to go.</p>
<p>I’m getting my wisdom teeth pulled next week! I’m so nervous! I’m getting the laughing gas because I’m too scared of needles to be put out- I would end up being freaked out over the needle than the actual procedure. I dont handle pain too well :(</p>
<p>If you don’t handle pain well, let them put you completely under. It made the process so much easier. I don’t know about you, but I wouldn’t want to witness them pulling my bloody teeth out of my mouth. Gross.</p>
<p>I had mine done 7 months ago, so my memory isn’t perfect but I know that they hurt for the first two days. I didn’t chew anything until 7 days after the operation. My wisdom teeth had not come out at all, though, and were slightly under my bottom, back teeth.</p>
<p>This is bringing back bad memories. My root canal that I had years ago was painfree but my tooth extractions were not.</p>