<p>Hi everyone!
Congrats on becoming part of UCLA's class of 2015! I thought it would be a good idea to start a thread where people from the class of 2015 get to know each other and become better acquainted with one another. It would be nice to know a few people going into the year, so feel free to post a little bit about yourself, and include your social networking info if you'd like. I hope everyone is as excited for the year as I am! :)</p>
<p>So.. A little bit about myself. I was born and raised in So Cal. I played varsity football and ran varsity track, and I really enjoy being active. I'm undeclared in the College of Letters and Science, and I'm ready to begin my journey at UCLA!</p>
<p>There is a “UCLA class of 2015” on facebook. You should check there instead.</p>
<p>Oh. Okay. I saw this sort of thread on other colleges’ forums and they got a lot of hits. I figured it would work here as well, but I guess not. Oh well.</p>
<p>Well I’m still down for getting to know people! :)</p>
<p>My name’s Tasha. I’m coming to UCLA from Colorado (aka brrrr town). I’m a part of a Chinese lion and dragon dance team and I guess you could call me an art geek. I’m currently listed as majoring in Biology, but I’m planning on changing to pre-Psychobio at orientation.</p>
<p>I found out that I’ll be staying in Rieber next year for the Global Health Theme Community so I’m pretty excited about that
my Facebook is Redirecting... feel free to send a friend request! I’m dying to get to know more people.</p>
<p>Yeah, it wouldn’t be a bad idea to continue posting here anyway as the UCLA '15 fb page is pretty dead!</p>
<p>My name is Andrew and I’m an in-state resident living in the Bay Area. There are three things which define me are tennis, manga/anime, and photography. I’m studying Civil Engineering and I have a passion for architecture. As for dorming, I’ll be staying at Dykstra Hall next year which I’m pretty psyched about!</p>
<p>@applejoose: I’ll definitely send you a request! I’ve added so many people from Dykstra, but I rarely have anyone from the other dorms
Plus, my friend will be dorming in Rieber and I know that I will definitely be chilling at his place a lot!</p>
<p>i think i must hav overlooked an email or something cuz how does every1 know which hall they staying in. im like the only one that doesnt know</p>
<p>I’m so excited for UCLA!! :D</p>
<p>I’m from the bay area in California and going to be majoring in computer science. I enjoy art, dancing and the occasional video game when I’m not busy studying
I got a triple room at Sproul Hall and Session 104 for orientation. I’m always up to learning something new and would love you meet you at UCLA. </p>
<p>Don’t be afraid to add me on facebook too! My name is Kathleen Nguyen (:</p>
<p>Well I live out of state and majors in pre biz Econ. I’d be staying at a triple in de neve plaza. Hooh. I can’t log on to my Facebook because of the stupid policy the Chinese government issued. I really want to get to know other people who’s going to ucla this year. Sigh. Oh by the way. Just curious. As u know I’m not born with an English name. Do u think I should introduce myself with my Chinese super-hard-to-pronounce name or a easy English name. Which in my case is Tracy?</p>
<p>Hello, I’m R.J. Asian. Majoring in neuroscience and applied math. I don’t think I’ll be dorming, at least for the 1st year. I like playing basketball and tennis. Avid chess fan.</p>
<p>Nice to meet ya’ll. Add me fbook.com/bynomite</p>
<p>@milkytrace im chinese too lol but i live in california. I think it would be cooler if you introduce yourself with your chinese name and say like “hi my name is _<strong><em>chinese name</em></strong>, but i go by tracy too”. Its like a way to remember you, the girl with the chinese name in her introduction ;]</p>
<p>I’ve been looking for something like this…facebook’s group is pretty dead, frankly. </p>
<p>In any case, hey.
I’m Allison. Born in raised in a too-small town 'bout two hours south of L.A., called Temecula. I don’t prescribe to any label, so see if you can place me. ;)</p>
<p>I’m majoring in Political Science and English–going the oh-so-trecherous Pre-Law route. I’m minorly obsessed with independent film, and painting with India Ink. Hmm…I love to read things that are actually well-written (hence, no Twilight or the like. Lol.) I tend to come across as a little (read: lot) opinionated and sarcastic, but I love to meet new people.
And, of course, I am superbly excited for the end of September!!</p>
<p>Add me on facebook, if you’re up for it: Allison Bader.</p>
<p>Oh, whoops. And i’m rooming in a triple in De Neve. :)</p>
<p>hey! ur in China as well?</p>
<p>My name is Laura Rui Xu (chinese name 徐睿). I can’t go on fb as well because I live in China. Thus I guess I ll have to use this as a major way of knowing people… I do have fb though… my fb name is Laura Xu. I grew up in Calgary, AB, Canada and is currently studying and living with my family in Beijing China. I love to skate, ski, swim, run, and read in my free time. I am pretty active, although I do appreciate alone-quiet-time as well. I am a ECON major and I think I will be be changing that into mathematics economics which is under the maths department when I get there. I am extremely excited to meet people as well!!</p>